Mny godd bruhh I'm getting dms on discord " why do you ship sleepycuddles " or goobstro idk man theres a lot " they havent even interacted with each other " be quiet have you heard of rarepair they might interact in de future i am #1 goobstro fan tho
ridiculous pairings between unrelated characters are the most fun thing about shipping
canon compliance is for people who have no creativity of their own
Theres's people who genuinely care about shipping in Dandy's World, say you don't like FruitCake or something like that and they go INSANE. Most of the time they're so SENSITIVE about shipping?? MoonBerry was better anyway um. I hope I don't get attacked but I see FruitCake platonically, but I see they'd work romantically too. At the same time, I like MoonBerry more. My only ships I like are MidnightTragedy, SleepyHugs/Cuddles and Finn x Gigi I don't know what the ship is called. In general, I'm neutral about every ship ( No, I do not support or feel neutral towards Toodles and Pebble ships. They disgust me, considering Toodles is a child and Pebble is a dog. )
Theres's people who genuinely care about shipping in Dandy's World, say you don't like FruitCake or something like that and they go INSANE. Most of the time they're so SENSITIVE about shipping?? MoonBerry was better anyway um. I hope I don't get attacked but I see FruitCake platonically, but I see they'd work romantically too. At the same time, I like MoonBerry more. My only ships I like are MidnightTragedy, SleepyHugs/Cuddles and Finn x Gigi I don't know what the ship is called. In general, I'm neutral about every ship ( No, I do not support or feel neutral towards Toodles and Pebble ships. They disgust me, considering Toodles is a child and Pebble is a dog. )