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anonymous 1731766345532

you ever felt burnt out from osrs yet? do you manage the grind well?

i'm definitely taking a break right now after maxing! i think the fun for me was like, seetting smaller goals along the way! i never thought i'd ever max but once i did my elite achievement diaries i felt i might as well! i'm not an efficient player at all, i just did whatever was fun!

splendidland 1731782685787
anonymous 1731754066044

thoughts on tortoiseshell cats with large chins???

one of the best and most mighty and unstoppable kinds of animal.

splendidland 1731754676293
anonymous 1731751379199

i'm so Thirsty mate. have you got any Water

II doonnn't caaare whatt youu wannna drinnkkk........

splendidland 1731752306563
anonymous 1731747970403

how did you pull off your tumblr's background? I always loved seeing which fashions it formed itself into back when I still used the site, and I'd get lost in the little worlds that came up for minutes sometimes

it was basically just 3 images that it would randomly switch between with some html code! the rainy one has the rarest chance of appearing. i made the backgrounds in ms paint by making 16x16 tiles and then manually putting them together, not very efficient at all but it was very fun!

splendidland 1731751029824
anonymous 1731747890906

thoughts on the ufo skydiver crew's beige fishnet tops?

whoever sent me this ask is a Certified "Real One". you know exactly the kind of questions i want to field. needless to say i think they rule. UFO, in particular sylvia anderson, had such a bold and incredible vision for what work uniforms would look like in the far off future year of 1980, like the moon base staff all having mandatory purple wigs. this is simply a Nipples Out kind of submarine.

splendidland 1731750822768

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