Sky 12/10/2024

If you had the chance to transform into something else (species, object) , what would it be? You can only pick one thing besides your human-self

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... Customizable Balljointed Doll/Puppet thing.

I almost wanted to say an inkling but puppets are my main otherkintype.

Cassiel 12/11/2024

my selfsona. he's not a human he's an alien sooooooooooo.


Paralel-290 12/11/2024

frog, idk, its kinda cute..

Renato/Nexu 12/10/2024

A squid

boombox 12/10/2024

some otherworldly creature living at the bottom of the ocean

An artificial general intelligence with the ability to transmit itself between different machines

brock brock from unikitty tombstone shaped lego I want to look like brock

medkit 12/10/2024

a cat or a deer :-) i wonder how my cat would react if i was also a cat though 😭😭

RJ 12/10/2024

Roland Jethro Kelton

I wanna be a Greek mythology goddess so I can beat up Zeus and Poseidon 😍 also me and Aphrodite can square up as well heh...

fern/elliot! 12/10/2024

a ca t or a catboy (shhh its different than a human technically)

bad username 12/10/2024


beenish12 12/10/2024

A tree

Tokyo ★ 12/10/2024

I wish I were a bird... /ref (no but actually I would love to be a cat like a WARRIOR CAT💯💯💯💯 or a red panda too idk)

twilight 12/10/2024

a cat

I would want to be a jellyfish or a comb jelly

I would be a mermaid because I already am one in secret . . . shhhhh