Sherry 🐰


Hellour. This is Sherryiell and you're seeing the page where you could ask questions.

Please be kind ❣

Anonybuns 1732007954467

suggest me bacaan medium yang menurut kamu paling easy to read dong

Coba baca ini deh kak this feels light!

Sherry 🐰 1732028244252
Anonybuns 1732007964125

sherry udah makan beluuum

Sudaaa kakakk jgn lupa makan juga ya thank you for asking 🥺

Sherry 🐰 1732028156436
Anonybuns 1732007997391

sherry lebih suka gunung atau pantaaaai

Kalau lebih suka kota aku digaplok gak

Sherry 🐰 1732028105899
Anonybuns 1732007908628

sherryyyyyy mending beli kopi atau dimsuuuuum

Kaa nyenya tentu saja dimsum 🥺

Sherry 🐰 1732012599663

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