tsukiko / ivory


funny autobiography about how i killed 19 people in 2002

send me flaming hot garbage

dweller 1723857395947

if your PCs were stuck on an island together, how would it play out? would they turn on each other or work together to get rescued?

They'd never turn on each other I believe! harley might be a little greedy with the food on the island though.. pctan and qìn rú have good craftsmanship, so they'd probably be able to build them all shelter and a boat to return home! akari would have to ration food properly (harley smh..) and keep everyone in high spirits. qìn rú probably knows what she's doing the most though, since she was tasked to go out to sea by the temple once before ( the only difference is id assume they have no resources here besides the island.. ouf ). But they'd try to work together (😭 key word try)!!! 🐇🐇🐇

dweller 1723757211427

are your PCs all from the same world or do they all have their own? (if that makes sense at all…)

it makes sense! theyre all in the same world yeah! i like to think its a big friendgroup. akari has to drag pctan along with the group, and kylar ends up following along because of it. most of them think hes weird, but akari thinks hes nice! akari and pctan have been friends since they were little, with pctan being much more friendly as a kid than now. harley doesnt get to see them all very often but he tries to hang out whenever he can :)! qìn rú is the one that plans things if the group wants to do something that would require setting something up... like a beach day or a sleepover. akari pays for all of it, and pctan.. still has to get dragged along. if pctan isnt coming along, kylar isnt either it sounds like...

dweller 1723754774407

OK i dont know if my other question sent thru bc it gave me an error… but i have a few 1) which PC is best/worst at fighting games 2) PC love languages? 3) PCs favorite/least favorite thing about LIs? (whoever you want to choose works) 😊🫶

i dont think the other one sent! :c (i ran out of text for the third question... ouch..)

i think Akari would be best at fighting games. she spends the most time playing with robin and she goes to the arcade alot! its definetly not her strongsuit but shes better at games in general than my other pcs!

pctan, i can see having physical touch as a love langauge! the touch probably wouldnt be very affectionate though... most of the time. akari loves quality time! she has no LI, so her love language would probably be more platonic, for her friends. qìn rú would probably like acts of service and quality time.. she likes giving sydney tea in the morning if she finds him sleeping on the church pews... wah. harley would love gifts! his idea of gifts is anything shiny, like jewelry or something expensive..

dweller 1723684959034

what are your PCs favorite/ideal dates to go on with their preferred LI? or otherwise their preferred hangout/get together ideas?

pctan would have a hard time deciding, but she'd most likely pick a date that wouldn't be near lots of people. both for her sake and kylars! she'd like stargazing id imagine. she doesn't know the constellation names though.

akari has no love interest currently, so she has hangouts. shes one of the more wealthy pcs i have, so i think she'd like to go the shopping center with her friends. there's photo booths at the centre and she drags them in for photos everytime they go. she keeps every picture!

qìn rú isn't sure what counts as a date. she likes the idea of baking together at home though! sydneys better at it than she is, but it's still fun.

harley already spends most of her time with alex, so her idea of a date would be a nice dinner at a restaurant, something special probably. he'd insist on paying for it, and then regret it later when she has a stomach ache and a lot less money than before. (spent it all on deserts, lol.)

dweller 1723681069523

what are your PCs hobbies… ☺️☺️ also what are their favorite genres of music/books/shows/movies (or whatever they are into most)?

pctan doesn't have much hobbies, but she wants to learn electric guitar if she can ever afford one! she likes psychological thrillers and dark comedy. pctan is a big fan of atarashii gakko!

akari likes photography and web design! has a special spot on her blog to show off cool pictures of scenery and her friends. she really likes comedy! anything lighthearted really. for music, she listens to anything that'd fit gyaru subculture, or 2010s pop.

qìn rú does paper crafts when she isn't busy, it's still a very amateur hobby but it's relaxing! qìn rú doesn't watch TV, so she just reads mystery novels. for music, shes always listening to R&B due to it playing in sirris' shop, so she likes that!

harley likes dancing and singing, but he has bad control of her voice. he doesn't read much besides books on ritual magic, but she likes medical dramas on TV. for music, he doesn't have a favorite genre, but she really likes listening to kittie.

infodump 😭🐇

bernadette :•3 1723680849040

hi hello :-3 do you think kylar and pctan would own any pets. would they be good at taking care of them :3?

pctan isn't allowed to own any pets due to bailey, and kylar thinks his homes unsafe for an animal. if they had a better space for one, both ky&pc would want a cat! pctan would be better at pet care, and kylar tries his best! (though he does scare it away on accident...)

dweller 1723667042985

hops around like a little rabbit…. hello!!!!!! :3

Myello!!!!! 🎀🎀

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