𝐿iu, 𝑆ascha.
如画。| THE NORTHERN AUROR OF LOVE: Whispered throughout the Arctic Sea, can you imagine how far my love has traveled to find you? Through icy waters and treacherous storms, my heart guided me to your side.
444 ♡ . . . What kind of love do you prefer to receive today?
hiii, kalian keberatan gak kalau gebetan/pacar kalian itu sebenernya udah pernah kenal bahkan temenan sama kalian dikehidupan sebelumnya, tapi dia gak bilang? keberatan gak kalau dia pura2 jadi orang baru, padahal kalian tuh pernah kenal. terus kalau dia punya akun beda gender dan gak bilang sama kalian, keberatan ga?
If we're still talking, I don't mind at all. I believe that everyone deserves a new page to begin their story, and I respect that. However, if we are already in a relationship, I would appreciate it if they were willing to talk about it. Since we've already agreed to take care of each other through dating, I think I'm ready to understand more about their past. But I will not force them; these are merely my wishes. So if they're not comfortable talking about it, I'm fine with it.
halo, kak sascha! since this is my first time asking on neospring, i’d like to start by asking how you go about your day and what excites you the most about it? ♡
Hello, pretty Mae! So—for this sunny Monday everything went extremely well. I visited USS today with my boyfriend && my two nephews, and of course we had a lot of fun. Sadly we can’t try all the attractions there since my little one is a bit too young for them but nevertheless we are still loving the whole journey. If you ask me what excite me the most it’s probably seeing my boyfriend taking care of the princesses (including me), the way he taking care of us really touched my heart. Truly. I think that’s all from me. May I know how your day went, pretty?
Spill warna kesukaan Kk dan alasannya? 🥺
Aku paling suka warna beige atau cream, Dedek. Cantik banget enggak sih? Kesannya rapih dan hangat gitu. Kamu sukanya warna apa, Dedek?
Aku mau ngerepotin kamu.
My pretty Sascha, may I have three words that represent me the most? This is Thira. <3
@alisthira, bebe I’d do anything for you, ya. This doesn’t even counted to be ‘ngerepotin’. Tiga aja? Disuruh sebut tiga ratus pun aku bisa loh. Tapi, okay aku jawab tiga.
Alisthira is a ‘warm hearted princess’.
cayangku cintaku. <3
Ini dia kecintaan aku!
jangan lupa makan 🥺
Dedek ganteng, aku udah maem. Kamu udah belum, ya?
Hai! Boleh engga aku minta untuk describe atau kasih satu kata yang menggambarkan Schatze? 🥺🫶🏻
@marschatze, cantikku manisku lucuku. Dulu kenal jalur malu-maluin diri sendiri, tapi aku enggak nyesal karena akhirnya bisa kenal sama cewek lucu ini. Jujur udah beberapa kali lihat kamu seliweran, tapi belum ada kesempatan buat temenan. Yang aku lihat kamu super lucu dan manis, pokoknya ramah betul kalau ngobrol dengan yang lain. Setelah kenalan ternyata lebih lucu dan manis! 🤍
followback ak.
Sudah yaa, cantik.
Menurut kamu seberapa penting sih perayaan ulang tahun? Atau kamu lebih milih habisin waktu sendiri pas ulang tahun?
Penting dan enggak penting. Kalau soal ulang tahun diri sendiri malah menurut aku kurang penting, seringnya bahkan lupa kalau enggak diingatkan. Tapi, kalau orang tahun orang sekitar menurut aku penting makanya aku suka betul diajak siapkan ulang tahun orang terdekat aku.
cara meta ai jadi asik kayak pacar
Eh, jujur aku pun kurang tau, ya. Aku lihat malah hasil AI-nya aneh-aneh?
Hal apa yang kamu syukur itu ada di pasanganmu sekarang? Kalau jomblo, ganti sama sahabat.
I could say I am grateful for everything he has. For his smile, vision, dream, patience, hard work, and, above all, for his love. I used to think that I did not deserve to have a someone to call home, but here he is. He always had my back through thick and thin, held my hand day and night, and cherished my heart for each second we had. I wish I could get across how grateful I am to him in spoken words, but I doubt that any language can convey how I truly feel.
hallo! <3 semoga hari Minggu ini kalian semua selalu dikelilingi orang-orang baik, ya. anyway mau nanya dong, kegiatan yang paling kalian kangenin pas lagi liburan Natal & Tahun baru apa aja tuh? spill dong!
Morning, milady. What a way to start my Sunday! Thank you so much for your warm wishes. I hope it goes right back to you. Actually, my family has our own tradition during the holidays, especially Christmas. We will gather at our beach villa and spend the night talking about our favorite moments throughout the year. And for New Year, especially New Year's Eve, I and my cousins always gather up to do some fun at the beach. This year we planned to launch some lanterns to the sea.