

bring me da gossip i need risque info on zb1 or ill die rentry

don't irk. stick to rumor/gossip/tea/discussion

gossiprose 1728416495460

ricky got that sleeper build 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🥰🥰 I know he always had broad ass shoulders and been working out but he still looks skinny/ twinky when he wears shirts but as soon as he takes it off gyatdayummmmmmmmmmmmmm but u get what I mean right? the last photo where he has on the shirt he looks like he got no muscles so its a surprise when he takes off his shirt 😳🤤🤤🤤

Like no wonder he's naked up in the airport half the time!! Yea his pointy shoulders make him seem a lot thinner when he wears long tops and he doesn't hit leg day ever so he just looks skinnier you only really see it in tanks pengingtonnnn

requeefiem 1728419041791
gossiprose 1728410364161

afaik he didn’t do it at home which is one of the reasons he dropped out, he was on campus but he was taking online classes there and he said he felt really lonely without anyone there plus during covid so it was one reason why he dropped out. he also mentioned how he got the botched shoulder tattoo there while his sister got hers in vancouver

that explains the line work then cuz why did he think getting a tattoo during covid would work out fnenncmdkdk ahhh but I assumed he was taking classes online at home cuz i knew people who got sent him mid spring 2020 sem and stayed online fall 2020 but maybe that was just my area but wait miskeeeeeen that's actually way more sad and then he was even more alone in korea oh mattyyyy 😢😭💔

requeefiem 1728410600265
gossiprose 1728413675334

asked my seokryu friend and she basically said the same plus added that before university when he was 16/17 he was seen by some japanese dance professor who was tasked to look out for possible trainees by a kpop company (possibly hybe) when she did a workshop in his dance studio, he rejected her suggestion at the time, went to university at 18, then dropped out and then contacted her and got to audition through her to hybe jp, then went to cube etc etc

oh that just makes me wonder how many seokryus are here 🤔 but yea I rmbr that bit but I didn't know it was when he was 16/17 I didn't read the whole excerpt on it just cuz it was in Japanese but I assumed they met later and he said yes the first time WELL YES WE NEEDED THAT LEAP OF FAITHHHH his journeys interesting

requeefiem 1728418831440
gossiprose 1728347001996

im just waiting for the day she gets clocked 😭😭😭 cuz shes the bridge that connects what's going on with chinese side and us but she kept such an important thing away from us and she clearly sees ifans blaming wakeone for the mic issue but doesn't even say anything when she clearly knows what actually happened. im not a riyangi so I'm not gonna clock her but ever since anons been talking bout her I just get bad vibes and hoping for her downfall so can dumbass riyangis wake tf up already

She absolutely won't everything she fuels just kinda matches up with the riyangi twitter hive mind but shes dead wrong for acting like the mic thing was a wakeone issue i genuinely can't take her serious especially after the taxi incident she needs an actual grip on life 😭😭 but damn I guess her loyalties really are with the old cbar

requeefiem 1728347662743
gossiprose 1728412299645

and that's exactly why i don't like her hypocrite ass. everyone is on twitter whether you're korean, japanese, english, spanish or w.e everybody fucking uses twitter so we see all the good and bad things fans says EXCEPT for chinese fans (aside for the few that bypass it by using vpn) but even then we know nothing about the chinese side since chinese apps are intentionally made harder for foreigners to access and most people aren't gonna go outta ther way to see what cnets are saying let's be honest.

So when someone like shady ass noyb520 comes and becomes the bridge that connects two different worlds and start cross posting weibo and xhs stuff onto twitter and vice versa we're obv gonna trust them and that their intentions are good but that's how they become so powerful because they get to pick and choose which posts to translate and bring onto twitter. No shit they won't bring any negative chn posts of ricky, or when ris are starting fanwars getting ricky dragged for weeks on cside or when they're cussing out ricky for his makeup, hair, working out etc. with blocks of texts with thousands of likes from ris and because of that noyb created this facade that ris or cris (w.e tf theyre are called) are angels who only love ricky and never have anything negative to say about him and dumbass riyangis fall for that shit because they never see anything negative about ris/ cbar since it's all through noyb. The fact that they're a 'mistreatment' advocate trying to 'save' ricky and calls out wakeone no problem when they lost his in ears or taking taxi when every1 does but when its his cbar who scammed fans and fucked up his mic situation they dont say a single thing, they literally had to nuke his old cbar and create a new cbar cuz of it, a literal civil war happened and we know nothing bout it.

Like this is literally propaganda happening right before our eyes and dumbass riyangis are stupid af & the fact that they didnt even rt anything related to the new mic too is killing me 😭😭 what a shady ass hypocrite bitch

JFNFNNFNFMFM THE NOYB BEEF RUNS DEEP her being the bridge was the worst mistake ever welp good luck to riyangis idk if this is gonna cause some inner sub fandom war like between different kinds of fans

requeefiem 1728418700477
gossiprose 1728407741366

Anon this isn't shocking not only do you get to see their start it's also fun to see their growth from now. Literally ask any survival show group fandom what contents to watch, it could be Enhypen or twice, and they would say the survival show too

literally like why would anyone getting into the group not watch boys planet ITS ESSENTIAL!!!! It's such a huge part of their identity and it's one of the things that separates them from other groups not to mention finale day has yet to be topped as top 5 happiest days in the world

requeefiem 1728410044130
gossiprose 1728411733746

ok but can sb just cut all the members’ parts only and make them as episodes cause we don’t need all the other 90ish trainees really

but that kinda ruins the point of the show imo like survival shows are story building just watch the whole thing 😭

requeefiem 1728418605996
gossiprose 1728410138483

it is on isntiz in their group board, so apparently sb brought a hanbok for him during the fansign and it was taken away

I'll check but the fansigns always differ I'm pretty sure one of the cline members wore a hanbok and or their own traditional clothes at a fansign half the time staff will take their gifts completely cross out their answers like that doesn't rlly matter he'll probably get the chance at some other fansign

requeefiem 1728410470643
gossiprose 1728411513569 the link so you don’t have to search but it is locked w/o account

I have an account lol but the auto translate kinda sucks but the comments sound surprised as well cuz it's still his culture there's this huge thread down there but I barely get it

requeefiem 1728418308527
gossiprose 1728404617041

Wait a minute since when did taerae attend uni

didn't he attend some real prestigious art college for music but he dropped out? Idk man

requeefiem 1728409541647
gossiprose 1728411381713

im pretty sure he went to yongin university

requeefiem 1728418221015
gossiprose 1728410138483

it is on isntiz in their group board, so apparently sb brought a hanbok for him during the fansign and it was taken away

I'll check but the fansigns always differ I'm pretty sure one of the cline members wore a hanbok and or their own traditional clothes at a fansign half the time staff will take their gifts completely cross out their answers like that doesn't rlly matter he'll probably get the chance at some other fansign

requeefiem 1728410470643
gossiprose 1728410892354

I think that might be an in general thing because afaik no other member has worn one either (aside hb at mca) but i remember someone bought hanfu for hao and he couldn’t wear it too so maybe it’s a fansign rule thing? I don’t get why it would cause an issue with Matthew though since he’s kr, maybe it’s to stop others from bringing it for the chn members or stop people getting mad if he was allowed to wear hanbok but c like not allowed to wear hanfu

I thought hao or Ricky had worn a Hanfu once at a fansign? maybe I'm mixing smth up but I'm pretty sure gunwooks worn a hanbok or some kinda traditional clothing last yr at a fansign I think it's just case to case for fansigns they choose to be strict at random times

requeefiem 1728418212610
gossiprose 1728416997669

infinite scroll was a goat too wow tf is this next page shit 😭

it's actually so irksome cuz I liked reading my stuff back like why are we hitting a wall I wish it was more like retrospring where you can load more and extend the page hm maybe I'll ask

requeefiem 1728417815741
gossiprose 1728403668827

yeah western university, majoring in health sciences (presumably pre med as goal as you said)

damnnnn I don't blame him for dropping out imagine your graduation was ruined then the oos uni you were supposed to attend you're doing online and at home I'm glad he listened to his dance teacher 😘😘

requeefiem 1728409659348
gossiprose 1728410364161

afaik he didn’t do it at home which is one of the reasons he dropped out, he was on campus but he was taking online classes there and he said he felt really lonely without anyone there plus during covid so it was one reason why he dropped out. he also mentioned how he got the botched shoulder tattoo there while his sister got hers in vancouver

that explains the line work then cuz why did he think getting a tattoo during covid would work out fnenncmdkdk ahhh but I assumed he was taking classes online at home cuz i knew people who got sent him mid spring 2020 sem and stayed online fall 2020 but maybe that was just my area but wait miskeeeeeen that's actually way more sad and then he was even more alone in korea oh mattyyyy 😢😭💔

requeefiem 1728410600265
gossiprose 1728407256703

so apparently matthew is also not allowed to wear a hanbok along with cline

eh? Is there a recent hanbok video or smth chuseoks past so I doubt it really matters who wears a hanbok and who doesn't and Matthew is a gyopo it would be weird if he wasn't allowed to

requeefiem 1728409805684
gossiprose 1728410138483

it is on isntiz in their group board, so apparently sb brought a hanbok for him during the fansign and it was taken away

I'll check but the fansigns always differ I'm pretty sure one of the cline members wore a hanbok and or their own traditional clothes at a fansign half the time staff will take their gifts completely cross out their answers like that doesn't rlly matter he'll probably get the chance at some other fansign

requeefiem 1728410470643
gossiprose 1728407256703

so apparently matthew is also not allowed to wear a hanbok along with cline

eh? Is there a recent hanbok video or smth chuseoks past so I doubt it really matters who wears a hanbok and who doesn't and Matthew is a gyopo it would be weird if he wasn't allowed to

requeefiem 1728409805684
gossiprose 1728409867901

That makes no sense Matthew is literally Korean why wouldn’t he be allowed to it’s not like he’s offending anyone in Canada by doing so😭

Right lmao this can't be anything official and Matthew would not be one of the members exempted from wearing a hanbok that's literally his culture

requeefiem 1728410408906
gossiprose 1728403806077

his isn’t a university though is it?

couldn't tell you I've just never heard of hanbin going to school at any level post hs so idk 🤷‍♀️


requeefiem 1728409351857
gossiprose 1728409724937

It’s a technical collage but he has a degree and graduated all the same and he it was a 3 year course. Idk if it’s the same in Korea and my country but it’s the same level if you will but the focus of a technical school is more on specific job training and degrees in specific fields which is what some people prefer and is becoming a more popular option (at least where I’m from)

OMG I COMPLETELY FORGOT wow if I'm not cycling through certain facts on the regular I forget because I've just learned so much I actually can't keep up with myself sometimes why'd i completely forget he was literally in college at the beginning of zb1 😭😭😭😭 disregard everything i said it's early af today and I'm at school nfjfnnfmfmfmd but yes his degree in kpop but technical colleges generally fast track you into the field of work you're studying in I currently attend one lol but that's not my plan

requeefiem 1728410375292
gossiprose 1728409024984

do u like sunghoons middle part hair since its already his signature look

it's become such a big part of his look it's hard to imagine him without so yes I like it he looks handsome and it doesn't get boring to me

requeefiem 1728410121873
gossiprose 1728408920703

"oh damn its really long thats unfair i hope he gets visited by the midnight barber too " wdym u want his hair short 🤨? Idk how to reply bcuz that option isn't working

Well because if gunwook is forced to get weekly haircuts so should everyone else NOBODY IS GONNA HAVE LUSCIOUS LOCKS OK MY WATCH 🤷‍♀️

requeefiem 1728410084381
gossiprose 1728373633342

what's with zeroses recommending boys planet when someone who wants to stan zb1 asking them what to watch 💀 we have so many group contents already they're so dumb

well boys planet is the origins of zb1 id recommend it too alongside other stuff lol

requeefiem 1728401635511
gossiprose 1728407741366

Anon this isn't shocking not only do you get to see their start it's also fun to see their growth from now. Literally ask any survival show group fandom what contents to watch, it could be Enhypen or twice, and they would say the survival show too

literally like why would anyone getting into the group not watch boys planet ITS ESSENTIAL!!!! It's such a huge part of their identity and it's one of the things that separates them from other groups not to mention finale day has yet to be topped as top 5 happiest days in the world

requeefiem 1728410044130
gossiprose 1728407620355

gd gives me groomer vibes, i hope all young female idols stay away from him

I'm still not sure if his relationship with Jennie was fake my sister swears up and down it was but all the stuff coming out about how he knew her since 16 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 I don't think he's a serial one but mmh not the greatest vibes from him though I do see why old heads don't play ab him

requeefiem 1728409941062
gossiprose 1728407275348

top3 bgs with best visuals go

jumil infinite L

requeefiem 1728409870871
gossiprose 1728407256703

so apparently matthew is also not allowed to wear a hanbok along with cline

eh? Is there a recent hanbok video or smth chuseoks past so I doubt it really matters who wears a hanbok and who doesn't and Matthew is a gyopo it would be weird if he wasn't allowed to

requeefiem 1728409805684
gossiprose 1728406220239

the symphony vid already being one of their most liked on every single platform we just need to kill their trash team

a fucking sap 😒 they haven't been this clouted up in ages I really hope it's not just completely them behind the recent tiktoks.. god if you fuck w me ur gonna give them a new team PLEEK

requeefiem 1728409742804
gossiprose 1728401353419

Wasn't matthew going to go to school for something? I can't remember the details but he ended up going to kr instead

wait yes how could i forget he attended a party school uni for 6 months before dropping out i heard he was premed too 😭

requeefiem 1728401897816
gossiprose 1728403668827

yeah western university, majoring in health sciences (presumably pre med as goal as you said)

damnnnn I don't blame him for dropping out imagine your graduation was ruined then the oos uni you were supposed to attend you're doing online and at home I'm glad he listened to his dance teacher 😘😘

requeefiem 1728409659348
gossiprose 1728404617041

Wait a minute since when did taerae attend uni

didn't he attend some real prestigious art college for music but he dropped out? Idk man

requeefiem 1728409541647
gossiprose 1728396878864

I’ve realised yuehuaz stans and way more irking that wakeonez stans because at least the wakeonez stans aren’t practically counting down the days till disbandment. I guess this is probably also due to the fact there’s only one wakeonez in zb1 but 4 yuehuaz. Like you just know they are foaming at the mouth for disbandment day and whenever these new pics drop they talk about the yuehuaz like they are some gods forced to be stuck in zb1 and that the yuehuaz trainees are better together 😭

i can gwan to the yuehuaz members separately or even in little groups but its like as soon as they come together theyre a hot booboo mess to me like YUCKKKKKKKKKK their fans have got to be the most annoying people to walk this earth i cant wait for their redebut plans to flop so the fans can all just smoke themselves and be over with it

requeefiem 1728401820542
gossiprose 1728403989469

what absolutely SENDS me with them is the fact that they are deluding themselves that wakeone is promoting so much more the others meanwhile if you check one of these dumb schedule lists, out of the top 5 the 3 are yue hua members with only ricky having the short ended of the stick and taerae/jiwoong having fewer schedules than him too

They really love to act like yuehuaz are held back LIKE THE MIXED YUEHUAZ AND F4 FACTION DONT RULE THE GROUP 😒😒😒 Ricky being the only real exception jiwoong doesn't count cuz he got what he deserved but they're so deluded wowwww these people will annoy me till the end of time they actually used to raise my blood pressure during bp when they'd sneak in sharty ass seungeon in the final group predictions 🤮 I just got mad again

requeefiem 1728409518678
gossiprose 1728403500140 And there are still some kpop fans that think a Fandom cant ruin an Idol/Group for people 💀

yuehuaz was ruined for me day 1 of boys planet I hate a Hitler ass faction

requeefiem 1728409374720
gossiprose 1728401309628

girl you forgot hanbin

my fault i dont rlly pay attention to him

requeefiem 1728401479599
gossiprose 1728403806077

his isn’t a university though is it?

couldn't tell you I've just never heard of hanbin going to school at any level post hs so idk 🤷‍♀️


requeefiem 1728409351857
gossiprose 1728403736497 Its cause he would get dragged for his wide face/cheekbones. the hair on the side makes his face look smaller than it is

He got a zygoma reduction so that's not really an issue anymore

requeefiem 1728409317826

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