

bring me da gossip i need risque info on zb1 or ill die rentry

don't irk. stick to rumor/gossip/tea/discussion

gossiprose 1728219119835

have you ever became friends with anons? I've always kinda wanted to be ur friend and it seems like you get along with a lot of ur anons like you guys are friends

some of my anons are my friends already lol and i became friends with moon and chanel who were originally my anons but i think ive only befriended one anon at random i think im a pretty friendly person and id probably be really good friends with some ppl but its just a identity jeopardizing kinda thing i mean im open to anyone whos brave enough idrc

requeefiem 1728221927357
gossiprose 1728228567225

who is moon do they have a specific niche like chanel who is the fashion anon?

yes haobinist anon

requeefiem 1728246031349
gossiprose 1728190603417

he been since months now and if Ricky gets the same amount of exposure as hao he will wash him too

I thought about this while talking about it yesterday and tbh no while Ricky's growth has been explosive there's also just no way he can beat out haos level of establishment but maybe I'm wrong just not while zb1 is a thing

requeefiem 1728220315638
gossiprose 1728228464735

part of it is a fan demographic thing like haos fanbase are all grown with jobs while most of the fans ricky gains are young and students so even with more exposure and die hard fans he probably won’t reach the same level

i can see that

requeefiem 1728246016860
gossiprose 1728196670789 have u seen this they want them to fire the female employee so baddddd

BFJDKJFNGFMDJBHJDKS BRUH I WAS SO SCARED THEYD CROSSPOST THIS THEYRE GONNA TEAR GUNWOOK UPPPPPP 😭 but yea i knew it we talked about the female staff that was with ricky in london that held his hand and posed for the camera and someone said she was this one staff that was short and provided photos AND I WAS RIGHT ITS THIS SAME TALL LADY so apparently shes the same staff who also wore yujins jacket in their practice room allegedly held gyuvins wasit before and they said she always wears short stuff around them me personally idc ab that especially when you can tell thats just how she dresses but she seems like the type to piss off fans icl i found her ig you guys can look if you want its @/lovefriedrose but she chases clout bad

requeefiem 1728221174004
gossiprose 1728228462606

Omg and op being like "feel free to post this on x" she wanted to spread this shit 😭 but I didn't know this many people don't like that staff a lot of the comments were kinda mean

LIKE IS SHE OUT OF HER GODDAMN MIND SHES A GUNWOOK FAN TOO GHJLKNGMFDKGJKDF IDC IF UR JEALOUS U BETTER WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but the comments were angryyy shes already hated and has been hated since last yr i cant say it came out of nowhere tbh this staff lady rlly does not care and chases clout gl to her 😭

requeefiem 1728246001992
gossiprose 1728227722049 2nd pic giselle looks like krystal

maybe dollar store krystal but damn her and winter do not make black lips work ou

requeefiem 1728245928613
gossiprose 1728227193065

haobin, nyangteolz, bbangiz are confirmed roommates, gyuvin and yujin are most probably roommates. jiwoong is really alone or with managers

probably alone and the managers are tgthr

requeefiem 1728245905557
gossiprose 1728222771838

girl... being in a toxic relationship is hell bc he yells at you and cuss you out and yet you are fine with traveling to korea to rekindle the relationship 😭 sister please get some professional help.

yea some people are slower than others and kamdens not even cute but thats their story idk im gonna assume theyre done with each other fr fr but idk

requeefiem 1728222932216
gossiprose 1728226919506

But do we trust an ex of all ppls words? I could see her being jelly he moved on and to bigger things without her snd she's jelly/ tryna ruin his reputation cause she has history with him so her words can come off as 'real' but she is an ex and ppl rarely end things on good terms.

this isnt known information trust me if this girl was malicious it wouldve been out there the person ik was basically dating her close friend and kamden has no rep to ruin lets be real

requeefiem 1728245815514
gossiprose 1728226164401 Taerae is so funny. Why did he do that and hurt himself???

im wondering why that hurt was there smth in hanbins hand 😭

requeefiem 1728245768575
gossiprose 1728190603417

he been since months now and if Ricky gets the same amount of exposure as hao he will wash him too

I thought about this while talking about it yesterday and tbh no while Ricky's growth has been explosive there's also just no way he can beat out haos level of establishment but maybe I'm wrong just not while zb1 is a thing

requeefiem 1728220315638
gossiprose 1728224898274

They don't like Americanized Chinese there. Unless Ricky goes into acting in China and Hao stays in Korea, he won't be able to beat Hao. His fanbase is already established and is actually doing a good job getting Hao's name out there.

yea i think ricky can grow a lot but its not like haos fanbase is stagnant itll be almost impossible

requeefiem 1728245748931
gossiprose 1728222713292

😂😂 this made me curious now. your opinion on who you think is the best to worst kisser 👀

u asking the wrong girl lmao i dont have the facilities to answer this id just go based off who id wanna kiss and that much is obvious

requeefiem 1728222844028
gossiprose 1728223089646

I'll answer


  1. jiwoong - we already seen it
  2. zhang hao - his lips are so soft and plump and he always puckering them and he's obsessed with kissing


  1. Ricky - bro is not affectionate
  2. Hanbin - lips thinner than paper

okay this doesnt seem bad im not one to judge but okayyy

requeefiem 1728245719332
gossiprose 1728222771838

girl... being in a toxic relationship is hell bc he yells at you and cuss you out and yet you are fine with traveling to korea to rekindle the relationship 😭 sister please get some professional help.

yea some people are slower than others and kamdens not even cute but thats their story idk im gonna assume theyre done with each other fr fr but idk

requeefiem 1728222932216
gossiprose 1728222204260 not Req being on the scene fixing Hanbins eyebrows but if it were real and Hanbin were like "Lets kiss" would you? /gen

hell no

requeefiem 1728222622122
gossiprose 1728222713292

😂😂 this made me curious now. your opinion on who you think is the best to worst kisser 👀

u asking the wrong girl lmao i dont have the facilities to answer this id just go based off who id wanna kiss and that much is obvious

requeefiem 1728222844028
gossiprose 1728215400973 ngl i thought the yujin post was some weird joke but maybe they were all being fr god damn lmfao

LMAOAOOOO yea i think they were fr it got taken down in a couple minutes apparently

requeefiem 1728221746965
gossiprose 1728222568955

Once that dude gets his brown/black hair back he will pop off. Koreans looove that skinny almost dead look. He aint my bias but those airport pics of him with that really blonde hair short-circuited my brain for a little bit. Even tho skeleton typa boys are not even my thing

yujin? he doesnt even look dead to me but dark brows and blond are hard to pull off maybe he could do it

requeefiem 1728222804797
gossiprose 1728205613646

Anon it’s pretty much confirmed hanbin isn’t staying and I’m talking more confirmed than yuehuaz leaving

do you mean theres smth else or just based on his companys presence?

requeefiem 1728221618425
gossiprose 1728222362542

I think anon means his company has made it obvious they will take him back there’s more detail into it that moon knows and she’d probably be able to tell you a lot more than I can explain here but yeah I think regardless if he wants to stay ( which I imagine he does) I feel they will pull a 143 ent on him unless he leaves the l1ve

oh ok that makes sense i thought there was something new being spread around and yea out of all the companies its obvious his is the one that wants him back the most yuehua just has the reputation of declining extensions? so because of that people assume theyr the issue and theyre not wrong since they have claim on 4 members not one but yea ill ask moon

requeefiem 1728222709362
gossiprose 1728222204260 not Req being on the scene fixing Hanbins eyebrows but if it were real and Hanbin were like "Lets kiss" would you? /gen

hell no

requeefiem 1728222622122
gossiprose 1728181736454

girl, hanbin has mentioned more than once that being a leader gives him a hard time. besides, we know he's interested in releasing his own music and going into acting. he's not renewing that contract. and we don't even know for sure if yuehuaz will be a thing or not, for all we know duhua could make hao go solo to maximize her profits. but if it happens, yunseo and vocal king seungeon will join the group too.

there's just no reality where the group is continuing as half point blank

requeefiem 1728220154244
Chanelcrocs 1728222091621

Idk if it’s just because they are a survival group and it’s only like this here (since I don’t Stan other groups) but after everything I’m high key glad Gunwook isn’t the leader and if he redebuts it’s making me hope he isn’t like I’m kinda good off that. Before I thought it would be good like he couldn’t just enjoy his time in zb1 and then if jellyfish were to redebut him he’d make a good leader but I think regardless of a persons individual qualities the role itself seems so daunting.

me too like wow he doesnt need that kind of pressure and he already has a full plate were good! i can see him being leader in his next group but i dont want it and idc if kpop ages people out i dont want him in the hyung line either DONT CARE

requeefiem 1728222610674
gossiprose 1728222013278 Damn bros facial hair goes crazy huh 😭😭😭 Im new around here so it is very interesting for what the boys have been flamed for since Boy Planet

he got flamed for an ugly haircut he had too boysplanet was just crazy they would get dragged for anythingggg the show attracted trolls before it blew up

requeefiem 1728222542590

wow i didnt know he had the ability to grow one OKAYYYYYY

requeefiem 1728222477679
gossiprose 1728219119835

have you ever became friends with anons? I've always kinda wanted to be ur friend and it seems like you get along with a lot of ur anons like you guys are friends

some of my anons are my friends already lol and i became friends with moon and chanel who were originally my anons but i think ive only befriended one anon at random i think im a pretty friendly person and id probably be really good friends with some ppl but its just a identity jeopardizing kinda thing i mean im open to anyone whos brave enough idrc

requeefiem 1728221927357
gossiprose 1728218091691

saw some Thai zeroses who attended the fansign post selfies and they are so freaking gorgeous omg 😭😭

i saw this one gpd like omdssss she was actually crazy gorgeous i havent seen anyone else tho pewiodddddddddd

requeefiem 1728221804680
gossiprose 1728216983755

ricky is so funny between this and him rolling his eyes yesterday when he grabbed his cheeks

xjjfnbckdvkmnkhg like this is not gang

requeefiem 1728221772231
gossiprose 1728215400973 ngl i thought the yujin post was some weird joke but maybe they were all being fr god damn lmfao

LMAOAOOOO yea i think they were fr it got taken down in a couple minutes apparently

requeefiem 1728221746965
gossiprose 1728163363754

Hes been kinda looking like this for a bit now imo, the weight loss and hair is terrible for him

oh.. zamn he just looks a mess then

requeefiem 1728164380226
gossiprose 1728207236577

Tbh he looks normal i think it’s just the twt pic because the quality is ass too, the one posted on insta he looks fine. I do agree tho he could probably benefit from putting on a few pounds because the weight shed is worse than the crush era weight shed

yea hed look better with some weight but i think the twt photo just has some auto editing on it

requeefiem 1728221724089
requeefiem 1727629918112

I got a reply about the Kamden thing I mentioned I'll just post it here cuz the comment function is for extra context more for discussions it'll get buried regardless but this is interesting so it should float back to the top

context, well i killed the comment function lol but im probably forgetting a bunch ill ask lotus later. but we were on space with someone who knew kamdens ex gf and basically tld us he was a psycho bf (got it from his daddy) he would scream and cuss out his gf all the time i think theyd be on and off? idk but she also told us he says the n word 😭 take this all with a grain of salt but it wasnt a random person its someone we knew

requeefiem 1727640851636
gossiprose 1728200674429

Any more info on this? This is so shocking to me as someone who didn't keep up with him after Boys Planet omg

id have to talk to lotus' friend to find out more or ask lotus if she rmbrs more but she just knows his ex i think she said that the ex came to korea to see him after bp and stuff but theyre still on and off and probably off by now since hes busy but hes just really not shit and hella weird 😭 surprisingly his twin leads a rlly quiet life and is just a depressed student but i always find it funny when kamden hits him up to chase clout

requeefiem 1728221688464
gossiprose 1728205669297 😭 ????

lolllllll and people will tell you they post from a chained and shackled phone with a devil perched on their shoulders

requeefiem 1728221655360
gossiprose 1728164793213

DBSK stayed DBSK without the most popular members aka Jaejoong and Junsu. It isn't impossible for ZB1 to continue since there's Hanbin still. But the management should be Thelive. Also, they still have time to boost Matthew, Gunwook and Taerae's popularity before the disbandment. There's no impossible if company's pr team works.

first off they were in another realm compared to zb1 like wow you cant compare the tvxq peak to zb1.. also they were under sm they forced the remaining 2 to become popular and again this is a survival group why would the other companies continue to keep their idols in a dead mission group please be serious this isnt happeing and yall say this like gunwook or taerae are gonna suddenly become well promoted they wont lol

requeefiem 1728164977618
gossiprose 1728205613646

Anon it’s pretty much confirmed hanbin isn’t staying and I’m talking more confirmed than yuehuaz leaving

do you mean theres smth else or just based on his companys presence?

requeefiem 1728221618425

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