randompcb 1734283473207

Randomly dated question 7: Plot twist: we live in the Matrix and somehow you get access to the program's debug console. This means you can do literally ANYTHING. What do you do?

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Eyez 1734326379486

Make my OCs real :3

Malachi 1734300400774

Give myself a million dollars :)

Blue 1734300083247

delete it all :D

make my bed bigger so I can get more plushies

f00f the f00fy 1734286309732

Find out who the player character(s) is/are, teleport them to me, and punch them in the face.

randompcb 1734285497772 *


Debug terminal thingy i guess v1.6
>del warshit.exe
>del crimes.exe
>run querysh.exe
SQL shell or something idk v1.6
=#SELECT * FROM people WHERE dailyincome=>'1$';
*output here*
=#UPDATE people SET dailyincome='10$' WHERE dailyincome=>'1$';
*more output here*

(fun fact: i suck at sql)

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