aoi ⭑ 2/12/2025

question of the day except it isn't beautiful or meaningful, like, at all #5

if you had the ability to turn into creature, which would you choose..

  1. snake
  2. bear
  3. frog
  4. fish
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snake :-)


A bear lalallaa I wanna hug people and wanna try to do that one bear meme and so the little shuffle thing

snake i would be best friend with my wifes snake nancy

also i could just slither around my favorite peoples arm and stay there forever

Tokyo ★ 2/12/2025

Fis because I can just go blob blob blob all day

miya 2/12/2025

Snake 🥹🥹🥹✊✊✊

fish I love fish


twilight 2/12/2025

bear.. they're very cute

a bear… What if i turn into a roblox bee swarm simulator quest giver (get it because. Theyre all bears except for riley bee bucko bee and one more i dont think im remembering correctly. ok ill go now)


will bite and poison humans

FISH FISH FISH!.!!!,. i am a fish!!!!!!! ties so heavily into my identity!!!!!!