

accessibility info acc ~ run by bridget (she/they, trans girl) please keep all asks on topic


Bridget 1727498786835

Welcome to my infobook about accessibility for rentry, neospring, and almost every kind of accessibility tool or tip! in this account i will explain a accessibility and give tips on how to make your profile more accessible, this could be down to colors, warnings, and even something as simple as the words you use! i will also help your profile become more accessible by just sending me something in my inbox! but please do not i will not respond to hate, drama, or off-topic asks, as my account focus is accessibility and it will stay that way my lesson directory account is ONLY run by fontaine aka bridget (use she/they) , if anyone else claims to run or own this account they are wrong toodles!

#apologies for the repost - had to update my link!
Bridget 1727496965983

how to make your profile image background more accessible - a bridget lesson! image backgrounds have been known on neospring for quite awhile, even longer on sntry and bundlrs while image backgrounds are really cute and fun - they can also become inaccessible to some users very quickly. ie : the text blending in with them , the image being flashy or eyestraining , etc i reccomend not making your backgrounds flashy or being flashing , ESPECIALLY if you dont have a profile warning set. dont make them overly bright either. as that causes eyestrain VERY quickly. in general, it has similar rules to regular profile backgrounds, dont make them overly bright or flashy , as it causes issues all around

lesson over , please tune in next time darlins!

Bridget 1727496510756

Bridget's lesson on tonetags tone tags are a accessibility used to help people recognize tone in text , heres a example lets say allison struggles telling tone over text , while her friend jamie can tell tone perfectly jamie may send allison a text saying "come over" , that message is very ambiguous on tone, it can be positive or negative which causes allison to panic, as she cant tell if its positive or not. one thing jamie can do is add a /pos (positive) or a /neg (negative) tonetag to properly convey emotion! though. using tonetags incorrectly is ableism. if you put a "/srs" (serious) tonetag while joking/being unserious you are portraying the wrong tone on purpose. which isnt funny. here is a list of tonetags below : lesson over , have fun darlings !

Ink 1727477081199

Anyways could you post about how to make image backgrounds more acessible?

yep! added to the list

Bridget 1727495899244
Ink 1727477046812



Bridget 1727495894310
anonymous 1727242647637

heyy bridget sorry if this is off topic for your account and all but could u possibly do a post about tonetags?/nf

of course!! ill add that to my list :) thats not off topic as it counts as accessibility

Bridget 1727276118616
Bridget 1727234740683

lesson 6 - ableist language ableist language is very common to see and can even be accidentally used commonly - heres a common few and how to avoid it! the list of common ableist words/phrases : r slur (do not fight me about this. its a slur.) shortened version of schizophrenia calling someone "slow" and these are just the most common ones! theres so much more.. heres how to avoid them , just . really dont use them. its fairly easy instead of the r slur, you can just say something is ignorant or stupid i really cant see a situation where you'd think its ok to use a shortened ver of schizophrenia unless you are odd and use it for "funny" stuff and just. dont call people slow. thats COMMON sense. i fear. lesson should be over... see you next time!

<3 1727046282588

On a rentry, if I have a font warning and an easy to read version linked at the VERY TOP, before ANY OTHER TEXT, and the E2R looks the exact same as the rentry but without fonts, are fonts ok?

depends, considering you have a e2r version thats really nice! it also depends on how intense the fonts are, is the whole rentry covered in colored text and the fonts? is it one of those hard to read fancy fonts? it really just depends, but congrats to you for having a e2r ver! as along as you have a easy to read version that is readable on all platforms n such, then you are good!

Bridget 1727140771790
Vivienne 1727061724454

IDK if you added this yet but to add a background to your neospring put url(link)!

PUTTING THIS HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!

Bridget 1727140673035

hi , is doing my punctuation with spaces like this " . , / " in between it counting as something i need to make a translation for ? / genq

nope! the typing quirks im usually talking about are something along the lines of "th1$" (this), so you're good!

Bridget 1726827829069
Bridget 1726652848143

lesson 5, typing quirks!

while typing quirks can be pretty fun, in some cases they can be hard to read for others, especially ones who may have to use a screen reader! what i personally recommend is to provide translations if you use a typing quirk especially if its "l1k3 th!$" (like this) ,, but if you "cant provide a translation" then i just would say don't use a typing quirk at all.. anyways, lesson over! tune in next time darlins'!

Bridget 1726465804092

lesson 4 : making text easy to read welcome to the fourth lesson of this account! today i will be teaching how to make text easier to read for some profiles, they will have their profile be really bright and have bright text, or have dark profiles with dark text! this isnt good, and can cause confusion or for some people having trouble to read, just because you can read it doesnt mean others can! before you finish your neospring / rentry think to yourself , "can others read this?" maybe even ask a peer if they can! for bright profiles, make your text dark, for dark profiles make your text light thats all for now darlins! tune in next lesson

HI ! could you check my intro ? i put an E2R in the comments but I want to know if the symbols screw it up at all :)

lookin good! no issues from what i can tell :)

Bridget 1726465236932
Bridget 1726408241264

lesson 3 , flash and brightness warnings! if your profile contains flashing images (in example, your profile background is a flashing gif) or if your profile is really bright (in example your profile contains very bright coloring and is generally bright) put a warning on your profile! as for some people this can hurt their eyesight or trigger something! heres how to do it : you see this profile warning in your profile settings? thats where you put the warning no need to do something intense, just write "flashing images, please go with caution" or "bright profile, proceed with caution" thats all darlings! see you next lesson

Bridget 1726380632764

second lesson of the day - alt text! so while neospring isnt able to do this, rentry can! you know how sometimes if you hover over a image on rentry and it shows some text? thats alt text! heres how to do it ! you see the little box in markdown that looks like text? [] <- thats where you insert text! so once you insert the text into the box, ,if you hover over it now it will show text! lesson over!

Bridget 1726378566223

Bridget's first accessibility lesson - fonts! now I have a very negative view of fonts being used in both profiles and rentries .. heres why fonts are insanely inaccessible. screen readers cannot read them whatsoever, and in some cases they may even break the screen reader! but somehow even with that knowledge people will use them anyway because "well it makes my profile cute" , accessibility should always be over aesthetics. and that's final anyways , i recommend using bolded or italic text instead of fonts, as in markdown, all you have to do for italic is putting one asterisk (the thing that looks like a little star) on the first letter and the last letter ! like this or for bolded its two asterisks on the first and last letter ! like this!! bolded and italic text is easier to read then fonts, as it involves actual letters rather then in most cases, unicode symbols (as fonts are considered unicode symbols) , some screen readers may have trouble reading other languages too depending on how their writing system is (in example some screen readers may have trouble reading hiragana) but don't let that stray you away from using your own language! lesson over ~ tune in next time!

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