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Otto 1731441498559

⁂ qotd #5! anything you're looking forward to later this year? (or, like, next year. ik its november already)

Respond 9
Otto 1731271476604

⁂ qotd #4! favorite color is a basic ass question. what's your Second favorite color

Respond 12
Otto 1731028699571

⁂ qotd #3! free pass to talk abt ur favorite character gogogo

Respond 8
Otto 1730833325934

⁂ qotd #2! when's the last time you've been to the library?

Respond 6
Otto 1730743112046

⁂ qotd #1! what song's stuck in your head right now?

Respond 13
Otto 1730228854258

hi im Very new here. who should i follow...

Respond 4

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