

To the stars, the moon pleaded:

Moon or the stars? 1733539100674

Marlo, lagi dekat sama orang ya?

Hi, thanks for asking, Anon. Iya nih, hehe.

Marlo. 1733577034577
Moon or the stars? 1732894519985

heyyo, marlo.. i hope i'm not bothering you, but i was just wondering. is there someone who’s been catching your eye recently?

Hi, Anon! No worries, you’re not bothering me at all. As for your question ... I’ll leave that up to you to guess. Do you think I’m into someone right now? ;)

Marlo. 1732969971382
Moon or the stars? 1732885041321

KAMU LUCU BGT WKWKWK, traumanya apa kalau boleh tau?

Makasih, traumanya kursi warteg kebetulan. ;)

Marlo. 1732966110089
Moon or the stars? 1732362520644

kirain kayak limbad, ternyata not bad

Kirain pantun, ternyata ya ampun.

Marlo. 1732365061235
Moon or the stars? 1732122700405

Miss you.

Well, well, someone’s feeling cute today. My DMs are wide open to cure your longing, Anon. Wanna try it?

Marlo. 1732187409565
Moon or the stars? 1731923445125

Kenapa ganti nama?

Pengen aja sih, hehe. Nama sebelumnya itu nama dadakan soalnya, banyak yang pada bingung mau panggil apa dan sejujurnya gua juga udah bosen, jadi sekalian aja ganti. Wdyt about the new name, Anon?

Marlo. 1731926783322
Moon or the stars? 1731921964320

Woi bang


Marlo. 1731926617900

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