

「⠀ .co/mori ⠀」


kiki 1724759420594

heh.. h- hey sebastian ( ゚ε゚;)

⠀⠀?⠀⠀ 1724733426876


I am my own person, distinct from my sources. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak about the one to who I have wholly devoted myself to. Yes, we are both adults, and we are an inseparable pair. I never leave his side, just as he never leaves mine. Recently, we’ve been able to spend much more time together, and I cherish and adore him with every fiber of my being. He is a part of me, woven into my very existence. My purpose and pleasure are found only in him. Bound together, forever...

For the ask you sent before this one: No, you can not have anything that I own.

⠀⠀?⠀⠀ 1723672691954

I wanna see it jiggle

You will not get to.

⠀⠀?⠀⠀ 1723656504643

will you ever do those emoji ask games? :)

Maybe in the future. I'm unsure what I would even make it.

⠀⠀?⠀⠀ 1723651626188

how freaky does the doctor get 😈

Beyond freaky. No one can compare to my freak level.

⠀⠀?⠀⠀ 1723652343738

can you twerk for me 🥺🥺🥺

I reserve things like this for special people and moments, so no.

⠀⠀?⠀⠀ 1723631186070

do you twerk

If the time and music is right.

⠀⠀?⠀⠀ 1723612943426


Guess. Is it bodily or internally?

⠀⠀?⠀⠀ 1723606913638

weird ash

I do get freaky on the occasion.

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