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anonymous 1728430368850

Hello mika enstars. I want to read about kaoru and his family background. Which story ?

hmmm kaoru's family... he has so many family issues so information about them are sort of spread across lots of stories... these are the ones that come to mind for me

Summer Vacation - (unfinished) TL by Mandy https://mandytl.dreamwidth.org/13307.html Crossroad - TL by reikeiP https://reikeip.tumblr.com/crossroad WANTED!!! - TL by maluridae https://maluridae.dreamwidth.org/36819.html Aquarium - TL by 310mc https://310mc.github.io/aquarium/ Bridal - TL by karoruru https://karoruru.dreamwidth.org/714.html or Sunni https://polyphonical.tumblr.com/post/738462886928793600/ Climaxhttps://310mc.github.io/climax/ Romantic Comedy - TL by Mandyhttps://mandytl.dreamwidth.org/537.html Zodiac 2 - Sleeping Beauty - TL by royalquintet https://shivalries.dreamwidth.org/28529.html First Dreams 2 - A Good For Nothing Son and a Bad Teacher Wavering Water Surface - TL by maluridae https://maluridae.dreamwidth.org/9781.html

#kaoru #reclist
mika_enstars 1728432874002

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