β €β €qotd β €who’s your favourite musician/band?

words cannot describe how much i need to be the top m1dy streamer everywhere. i really really like m1dy . really like m1dy . i collect m1dy urls on rentry for fun i have like 8 m1dy urls i love m1dy . oh my fod jcore / speedcore artist m1dy save me . today i got m1dy as my top artist on my spotify wrapped and i igiggeled and cheered and bounced around my bathroom while i was waitin g for a curling iron to warm up i was so happy . iumm i really like m1dy .i wish i ahd more but i haev like 2k or so scrobbles on last fm for m1dy . i have also numerous tiems gotten #1 listener for m1dy on airbuds πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚i really like m1dy

πŸ…πŸˆ 1733335811192

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