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Does art and things, sometimes (allegedly). Yaps about my own characters too much (probably).
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I have no idea of context or who this is aimed at, so... My OCs: almost all taken, almost all in open relationships anyway so it doesn't really matter RP-wise lol Me personally: single, not actively looking
When can we expect a doujin with all or a few of your characters or at least Zee
Sorry to say signs point to "probably never," I don't find comics fun to work on
How do you conceptualize such well-developed characters? Is it all in your head before Penn touches paper? Would you say they are part of yourself?
Thank you! 😠But unfortunately the only secret is it's almost all made up as I go along lol. I start with a rough concept and just flesh things out as I go yapping with my other terminally OC-brained friends about them, seeing things that kind of make me think about them, etc etc.
I wouldn't really say they're part of me in a huge way, but there's some things here and there that are similar. (Like, hilariously, XIV Aidan's fem-to-masc-to-"fem but prefers masculine address but I don't actually care that much" thing.)