

ask me. choose me. love me

pookie 1 weeks ago

heyyy HWHSW so i stumbled upon your recent tweet and it's soooooo entertaining. i hope you continue it 🤞🏻 dats al mwa

thank you so much 🥺 the algo had been a bit too kind to me because the traction has been so overwhelming dnwfkrkrf and i’m not exactly known for my consistency, but hopefully the cycle ends w this one! we’ll power through WE WILLLLLLL hehe thank you again!!!

malewifing Yesterday
pookie 2 days ago

hi po! idk if this resonates w u, but ur the first person i thought of when i came across this post

hi sweetie!! oh wow that is a read.. thank you for thinking of me 🥺 that’s really sweet of you! unfortunately i don’t really resonate with it, not a lick, but i wish i did in that i wish my hold of the english language has more substance to it? this is really just the product of being fostered in an english speaking environment like many others 😭 and if anything, i speak filipino around my relatives! so it’s not something i shirk from but even reach for hehe

but thank you for extending this to me! i’d love to write something based off it actually omfg… been into themes like homecoming/migration lately so seems pretty timely weheehe

malewifing Yesterday *
pookie 2 days ago

i love yeri talaga HAHAHAH

thank you i love yeri too 😭 i think she’s the closest i’ll ever get to projecting myself in an au, in that she’s everything i could be if were hot sexy funny and thickfaced. so nothing like me at all WAHAHAHA she’s such a thrill to write. thank you!!

malewifing Yesterday *
pookie 6 days ago

Had to stop and close my phone in between panels bc im about to lose it and really gonna giggle loud sa jeep 😕 btw glad ure back to write and write and writeeeeeeeeee

dagdag ba bayad sa jeep pag kinikilig NFFNWKEKDJFJFN thank you!!! i’m really glad i was able to engender that reaction from you bc wow…may silbi pala ako… 🥺 and oh my God? were you that anon from before? hi omfg thank you so much! my return is still a bit shaky, i get pricked w regret every now and then because of the pressure, but it never hurt to keep trying hehe. thank you so much again!

malewifing Yesterday *
pookie 6 days ago

englishera ka po, no? halata HSJSKAHAUSHSHHAJA pero yung pagka-englishera mo di sha nakakaoverwhelm anddddd it still has personality and humor and it goes down with the characters of ur aus !!! love uuuuu thanks for coming back 🥹

NAKAKAINISSSSSSSS they get so intimidated by me eh… wahaha and omg thank you for thinking it has character!! i think i’m fortunate (unfortunate in other ways) to have spent my formative years on twitter that i was able to learn the ropes of humour in english that isn’t lumped w the likes of hey hey ho ho heyyy for 5 6 NFNDNWNENDNFFN and as for the englishera bit, i think a fair part of me is, only because i’m more eloquent/able to express myself better! the breadth of thoughts are wider in english wnwkrkff i’m glad it’s not too much 🥹

aww thank you for the warm welcome back! hopefully this mini will drag me back to my groove 😞 a girl could dream... hehe ilyt!!! 🩷

malewifing 2 days ago *
pookie 6 days ago

ang cute may drawingggg

STRAWPAGE THEY’RE COMING FOR UR NACHOS….that’s adorable 😭 and so are you!!! hi sweetums 🩷

malewifing 2 days ago
pookie 6 days ago

hii, may i ask po anong app gamit mo po dun sa fake ig profile ni sophia dun sa pinned markren filo au?

the app being canva… NDFNWKEKDKDND hehe i forged it myself! it’s a melange of screenshots 🥹

malewifing 6 days ago
pookie 6 days ago

hi are yeri, rj, and the rest of the characters in ur new markren au all in the same batch? like same age sa au ganon hahahahaha just wondering i'm enjoying it btw. ♥️

hi!!! it’s both a yes and no! save for sophia, they’re all coming from the same batch, although they differ in ages. i’ve taken the liberty to adopt their canon years which makes yeri and mark a year older, but fundamentally i think of them as equals WAHAHAHAH. and thank you so much omg 🥺 it’s a great honour

malewifing 6 days ago *
pookie 1 weeks ago

dropping here to say i love youuuuuu

🥺🥺🥺 would you still love me if i had avoidant attachment style… nwnejtkf i love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu more (and longer!!!)

malewifing 1 weeks ago *
pookie 2 weeks ago

omg glad you're baaaack 🥹 we missed u looots 😭🩷

love 😭😭 i honestly didn’t think i was gone for long, but even then the reception has been so warm and overwhelming and i really really don’t deserve even a quarter of it, but thank you so so much. i missed you too and so much more!!!

malewifing 1 weeks ago
pookie 2 weeks ago

the signature Winter pfp, the omaya display name, and malewifing finally showing up on my notifs again (yes, i have ur notifs on sa akin but i promise i’m not a creep!!!) this only mean one thing, right??? u’re back in ur active era???? 🥹

i know it’s wrong to assume this but i can’t help ittt. whenever u get active as mwf, a part also comes back to life!!! ILYSMMMMM 🥹♥️

DARLING 😭🩷🩷 truthfully around the time you sent this, i wasn’t planning on returning so soon! even surprised myself by how quickly i jumped back in since reactivating, like i swearrrr this wasn’t in my itinerary at all 😭 the reversion to my old profile was a matter of going back to basics because God forbid i find a pfp and dn i can be satisfied with NDNQNWNDKEAK. but in some twisted turn of events, not only am i back, i have an au out too 😭😭😭 truly so much could happen in under twenty four hours

but hi love 🥹 noooo you’re not nearly a creep! i’m just a bit concerned because i get talkative occasionally, so i’m concerned about your push notifs 😭 and ahh you’re seriously too sweet… i genuinely don’t understand how i’m on the receiving end of this lavishness of affection, but i’m so so grateful. i hope you know i draw so much joy from you. ilysm too!!!

malewifing 1 weeks ago *
pookie 1 weeks ago

ang gwapo po ng typings niyo, it's full of personality

NFNWMWNWKWNWMWNDNDNFNDNDNDNDND PLEASEEEEEE thank you so much for thinking so!!! 😭 this is literally so gratifying because i take these compliments personally (/pos) in that if you think my typings are gwapo and full of personality….then that should make me gwapo and full of personality…. girl math

malewifing 1 weeks ago *