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OH THAT'S HIM????? you know what, I'm not gay for him but I understand the appeal
also you have every right to be afraid of phighting fans, I was in a server where subspace kept targeting medkit because they got a divorce and med had to pay child support 💀
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the first time i played phighting, i got chased around by a legion of ban hammers because i didn't pay my taxes.
I FORGOT HE LOOKS FUGLY IN THE CURRENT THUMBNAIL... Well . heres a better pic of the stupid woke boy.... (i would gaslight you into thinking jard is canonically gay but i wont because im nice..... hes sadly straight) oh im probably equally scared of phighting and evade fans, the evade fandom is weird and freaky and why do all of them have the worst ships possible....
THE GUY!!!! ON THE THUMBNAIL!!! Sorry i expect everyone to know who he is....... i have a severe case of being very gay for him