

epithets, wild winds, and reckless deeds.

ask away, i'll answer.

无名. 1734404314068

Do you set your eyes on someone?

Eh sender jangan kirim kayak gini tolong gue takut dikira starboy padahal aslinya boboiboy... 😅

neith. 1734526394444
无名. 1733880292760

Salam, Neith. Think of this as a sudden confession, yes, i've seen you interacting with my mutuals a lot and it makes me really, really want to get to know you. But probably not now, i hope it's anytime sooner. I think you're a funny, cheeky person with a lot of softer side. Semoga selalu bahagia, ya. You're a little dove yourself.

Am I.. a little dove? :] thank you for your kind words, and for noticing my softer side, too. Aduh. Salting agak banyak. I hope you'll feel comfortable enough to reach me out in the future. Best wishes, anon.

neith. 1733921145406
无名. 1732603957750

Can I ask through dm?


sure, gak janji bakal jawab ya.

neith. 1732702055056
无名. 1732519822461

Hey. I feel like we have known each other before? Or is it just me..

well, we might be. but who knows.

neith. 1732537303652

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