bf ram bled!?!
oh I love my bf so much... he's so wonderful and forgiving.. he is such a good person for staying with me these seven months even though we've struggled for a long time and over really dumb things tbh...... I remember the one time I had a meltdown because he was playing with his bff Katherine on the day I got back from summer camp even though he promised he'd play with me....... I feel so bad for pulling that shit tbh he's so patient and kind with me....... tbh I usually hate being treated like a baby / wounded animal, like coddled and cooed at but I want him to take care of me tee bee aych. the one thing I wish for more than anything in the world is to be good for him.... i wanna get better so bad so i can be a better boyfirned for him
We were HORRIBLE TOGETHER when I called u a bitch over u asking if I was okay.