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anonymous 1730626395810

youโ€™re much too patient with people, anna, i would say: damn write ur own fun jk then leave mine alone

anna :) 1730628250515

hahah it's okay :'D but i was like ?? why would i write an essay contesting the opinion that rep jk is boring like i'm sorry but i don't really care? i like him but if someone else doesn't then that's okay it doesn't hurt me and i have better things to invest my energy in than trying to convince someone of my fic ๐Ÿ˜…

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anonymous 1730628740544

exactly!!! <3333333 heโ€™s incredibly romantic imo ๐Ÿ’•i will take that if that means boring sjdjfjfjjffjfj so will tae clearly

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