

nemo a big fish who lives in the sea

song of the sea

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my rentry got reclaimed :( even though i traded for it fair and square lol. so my url is a wip for a while boo

fishy 1724130825366

hello! do you have the username of who traded it to you? cause that URL has been hacked

i got it from my oomfie @apdmasc

pickles 1723530421834

i hate yaoi #homophobic

i love yaoi.. i'm sorry oomfie

fishy 1724022873065

howd you obtain /constellation if you dont mind me asking?

someone traded it to me on discord, why 😭

chuy 1723896064846



evan 1723948704983

Nemo 🐠🐠🐠 your favorite things about the sea..?

evan πŸͺΈπŸͺΈπŸͺΈ i think my favorite part about the sea is how vast it is and the fact that there are entire ecosystems we will never learn about for as long as i live. but it also makes me sad i will never be able to know every depth and corner.

i also enjoy when big jellyfishes show up after like 300 treats of their last sighting and everyone gets really happy and excited over it

izzy 1723710357483

we outta pears


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