⠀❝ ON AIR ! ❞
⠀question OTD : 29/12/24 。
What is something that you look forward to next year?
⠀question OTD : 28/12/24 。
Do you have any plans for new years eve?
⠀question OTD : 9/12/24 。
if you could relive anything, what would it be?
⠀question OTD : 6/12/24 。
what is something on your bucket list?
⠀question OTD : 3/12/24 。
what is your favourite ‘winter’ activity?
⠀question OTD : 3/12/24 。
what is a media you like that has little-to-no fandom?
⠀question OTD : 2/12/24 。
when do you put your christmas tree up?
⠀question OTD : 1/12/24 。
first question of the month! what is your favourite season and why?
⠀question OTD : 30/11/24 。
how long do you think you would survive in a zombie apocalypse?
⠀question OTD : 29/11/24 。
what is something that makes you feel nostalgic?
⠀question OTD : 28/11/24 。
what is your favourite movie?
⠀question OTD : 27/11/24 。
when is your birthday?