randomly dated question; you have a ability to do something that the whole world would know. what would you do?

ex; count down in everyone's heads

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Cassiel 12/16/2024

can I make everyone piss themselves simultaneously

♠️ - that you shouldn't talk to me before 8am or until I've had my second cup of coffee or i ctrl+alt+dlt the universe <3

" It took 07 days to make the world. It will take 07 days to end it. Make your peace. " In all seriousness, which is none, I'll rickroll everyone.

randompcb 12/14/2024 *

step 1: hack into gods pc step 2:

jesusc@earthcmd ~$ sudo rm -rf /cntry/nrthkorea
jesusc@earthcmd ~$ _
Renato/Nexu 12/14/2024

Oh I dunno maybe propaganda to make people not read ORV lmao /j
Or encouraging words to everyone, I know that means everyone everyone but who knows someone out there might need it and it might just save them, I'd rather try to do something than nothing at all
Might've misunderstood the question sorry if so