here's a few of mine,.,. I HAVE A LOT!.!!
- "INFALLIBLE!!" i say it instead of "real" or "fr" because that's what it means!.!.!
- "our new album GLEEEEAAANNN!.!.!.!!!"
- kissing noises.,.,. because i lob my partner,.,.., mwah mwah mwahmwahmwahh!!.!!!!
- "ESTROGEN!!!! ESTROGEN!.!!!!!!!.!. ND MORE ESTROGEN!.!.!!!!!!!.!!!." ,.,.,. me when someone asks me what my transition goals are /j
- "giddelygiggleygiddly" ,.,.,. idk how to explain this one but in this one tmbg interview flans was talking about guitars nd he was imitating guitar noises
- "here to spread some GEEEE-EEEEE-EEEEEENEEEESSS!.!!" /lyr from mr dna by devo (i'm getting a hyperfixation on devo,.,,. whip it's lyrics nd also babybabybabybabybabybabybabybabybabybaby from satisfaction are also vocal stims,..,,.)
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