i feel like i'm that one friend who always looks really cheerful nd happy but then drops the craziest lore (trauma) at brunch one day,..,,.
like yeah "eats bagel when i was 7 my mother blamed me for killing one of our dogs when all i did was witness her having a heart attack,.,.,. she sent me into my room nd locked it saying she'd never be back,.,.,. nd i ended up getting an infection because i ate nd swallowed some of the plant in my room because i was so hungry,.,.,. nd about 3 or 4 days later i broke my window so i could get out,..,,. when i was caught i got punched in the back so hard i still have a bruise,.,.,. nd my dogs dead body was still in the lounge room when i went to watch tv later on"
ggood ggod brb i'm gonna have a ptsd attack