I'm here to say things and insanepost.... chronic hater very mean evil boy.
speak 2 me!!
im Sleepy goosnight
everyong should look at she..... doing a hadn stand... so talented.......
my giorno giovanna socks have left little imprints of his ugly face on my legs.... waow peak chistmas
icent stop stimimng i hit my foot on the bed framw i fear i love jojo
who wants their pro file.....
shaking foaming at the mouth trying not to start shit with ex oomf.... AAAHAHGAGGGGGRR
remembering ex irl who fakes did, bpd, cluster a b and c disorders is on here and i gag..... can we collectively nuke them
its 9 pm and my 92 year old grandparent s are still here...... GO HOME
basil for president...... if u elect me i will make straight people ILLEGAL!!!..... and let babies eat batteries......... vote basil for president
ohmy god my headd hurts so bad if it doesnt stop im gonna explode everywhere and my parents are gonna have to clean it up
im hatemaxxing. ihate everyone.. im slapping my stomach and BARKING at you as you scroll by.
mom trying to make me go downstairs to play a game... IVE BEEN DOING SHIT WWITH THIS AWFUL FAMILY FOR THE PAST WEEEEEEK LEAVE ME ALONE