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/แ  > ห• <ใƒž โ‚ŠหšโŠนโ™ก

เซฎโ‚ยดหถโ€ข . โ€ข โ‘… โ‚Žแƒ ? ? ?

anonymous 1734928977238

hiii, kalian keberatan gak kalau gebetan/pacar kalian itu sebenernya udah pernah kenal bahkan temenan sama kalian dikehidupan sebelumnya, tapi dia gak bilang? keberatan gak kalau dia pura2 jadi orang baru, padahal kalian tuh pernah kenal. terus kalau dia punya akun beda gender dan gak bilang sama kalian, keberatan ga?

Hiii, aku personally gak keberatan [garuk kepala karena pusing] uh. . . gak dah. . . aku lebih keberatan kalau dia nyolong mangga tapi bilangnya disuruh aku. Bikin malu ajah. . .

boleh cubit kamu sedetik ga? ๐Ÿค๐Ÿป

Sedetik ajah? Lamaan please maaf kalau banyak mau. . .

โœจ Boost /+r/fc137b76dafce35ef8d7a27abed24e827417cf39b684927a33c95a8b2437a67c

้Ÿฉๆฏ…. 1734917949475

Siapakah Tuhanmu?

Tuhan memang satu. . . Kita yang tak sama. . .

anonymous 1734883870821

willie salim

Salim ama siapa si Willie Willie itu?

anonymous 1734883110405

You deserve all the love in this world, sayang.

You also deserve all the love in this world, Cici. I hope the love I give you is but the smallest among the loves you shall receive. You are worthy of moreโ€”far greater than what youโ€™ve known before, even greater than mine. You deserve love and all the joys this world could bestow. You deserve happiness adorned with roses, happiness painted in blushes, and happiness wrapped in endless love.

DAVID. 1734898785666

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Apasih cepet banget sadarnya? ๐Ÿ˜ญ


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