

be normal

haobinist 1728164307437

i need the tarot reading to this ๐Ÿ‘€

it was never posted on twt lmao also this is my first time seeing the ns reply feature hmm

alice 1728169019929
haobinist 1728208886864

oh wow it even links/shows what ask it's replying too nubbad i clicked share then follow up


alice 1728309971709
haobinist 1728161207664

the crazy thing about haobin is not that theyโ€™re dating, itโ€™s actually about them being a couple with insane chemistry because not every couple can have that

that's so true lol ik couples who had zero chemistry it's kinda insane

alice 1728168995805
haobinist 1728208811381

them both being equally crazy to like it's all in the eyes

you get it

alice 1728309963544
haobinist 1728138577893 A shameless perv!!!

the first one is still so crazy like this brother was fr tweaking out over hao doing the cheerleader trend ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ ik he wanted him to put on a little skirt too

alice 1728168717275
haobinist 1728208706334

why does he have his hand out to help hao out b4 hao even did anyth ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

natural instincts

alice 1728309947630

the way he wanted to put his mouth on hanbin's part of the ribbon so bad and hanbin had to stop him

alice 1728309925987
haobinist 1728205043022

did u notice whenever bin gets jealous of neul talking or doing something with someone else, he really quickly turns his head away and if he's smiling u can see it literally dROP off his face.

but yea anyways to contribute to the question of who's more jealous... it's definitely bin no matter what u can't persuade me from jealous bin. neul is more jealous often, but bin can be good at masking it (but there is always a slight change in his face before he quickly makes it "happy" again). i just know that bin, not the idol and as himself off camera (think the bin we saw in bp) is absolutely the most possessive over protective jealous whore trust... like neul wouldn't be able to do shit with anyone without bin getting sulky ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ like whiny neul but 10x more annoyed and jealous but not as a joke...

fkjdkjd yeah WE GOT HIS TEA also when bin himself said he gets jealous when he's out with his (hypothetical) partner and he sees them look at another person ๐Ÿคซ

alice 1728309856152
haobinist 1728204062699

An issue I think they could've faced (as partners or in general) is Hao being closed off and unreadable. Bin is easy to โ€” then there's me who thinks hao actually wears his heart on his sleeve and if anything bin is the one who bottles things u

I do agree with you about Bin keeping things in. However I mean Hanbin CANT try to hide things - he's an open book. While Hao, I feel like, makes an added conscious effort to show how he feels. Because he absolutely can be impossible to see through if he doesn't want someone to see it. But Bin can't, he's really obvious even if he's trying not to. He always look really strained and upset. Also he has more physical things like being restless, but Hao doesn't really. Hao can hide that. But only if he chooses to hide it.

hm...i agree that hao isn't physically restless like bin is but at the same time i feel like he doesn't make an effort at all to show when his energy has run out or when he's bored lmao, like even just from watching ig group lives it's obvious. i do think with hao though if you know him personally then he's one of those people where you can't really tell where you stand with him lol, like you know when you're friends with someone but you're like "does this person actually like me or not" ๐Ÿ˜ญ maybe it's just that really intimidating gaze he has ctfu

alice 1728309725870
haobinist 1728202512143

ngl sometimes I think about how bnb definitely knows how the whole fandom views them and what goes on and I get kinda embarrassed. like we are really just so obsessed with their relationship, it must be so strange to them ๐Ÿ˜ญ I know they enable it but man

i mean it's not the whole fandom by any means ๐Ÿ˜ญ i think they likely appreciate that they have zerocolas tbh

alice 1728309577556
haobinist 1728201893133

I remember seeing a ttk essentially say "if being 1# in college is what gets me a man like hanbin..." and like you best believe that's me. That is motivation to study.

godspeed ๐Ÿ™

alice 1728250820345
haobinist 1728191002039

Do you thing nb are the type to send nudes?

logistically idk in case they're worried about leaks but spiritually 100% yes...i just know their sexting is cringe as hell too...funnily enough i think there's actually a position in hanbin's birth chart which points to him being into sexting lmfao

alice 1728250798245
haobinist 1728047450898 Their dynamics is so interesting to me, jiwoong wants to get closer to him but taerae is panicking inside because he's too hot, Woongrae is what people think woonghao is

why does taerae seem like he dgaf here djdns

alice 1728166656066
haobinist 1728190210949

wait like i'm crying taerae's just like -_- whatehnjfcd


alice 1728250727107
haobinist 1728187869977 Cute ๐Ÿ‘

the detail of the green water is killing me

alice 1728250722725
haobinist 1728187764557 So I can now say "Haobin rough buttsex ๐Ÿฅบ" in main without anyone trying to silence me?

SDFJKSDK maybe not that far...does anyone else remember predebut zerosetwt when there were literally 3 out haobinists on twitter because the rest of the fandom tried to run shippers off lmfao

alice 1728250650145
haobinist 1728186237371

would you ever consider taking ur anon fic off anon?

maybe...never really thought about it but honestly it's not really any worse than what was in my most recent fic lol

alice 1728250470210
haobinist 1727899604403 Hanbin just has that vibe honestly that man seems hungry as hell

ex-oomf's friend's tarot reading saying he was desperate to have sex with neul predebut but neul kept saying that they had to wait ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ ik he was going through it bruh

alice 1727899994020
haobinist 1728182912212

๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€when do you think the timeline of their first time was

kcon japan ๐Ÿ‘€ but genuinely i have no clue lol, i can see them getting intimate (to steal from hao's words lol) during the bp break but i can also see them waiting for a while so they can really relax

alice 1728250430968
haobinist 1728182212827

can you do a relationship dynamics reading of bnb? i'll light a candle for you hehe

this is great timing because i actually did some haobin tarot readings just now lol, i'll copy and paste:

q: why has haobin's relationship shifted publicly

  • 4 of pentacles: represents financial stability + finally accomplishing something you've worked hard for, can relate to either career or their relationship. like they can relax now but at the same time they're careful of holding onto this newfound stability
  • ace of cups: we keep pulling this card a lot with haobin which is very fitting lol as it represents a new beginning in a relationship specifically, like the honeymoon phase all over again and experiencing that excitement. can also point to their creative juices being revitalised and they're looking forward to embarking on a new chapter
  • 9 of wands: literally represents courage in the face of adversity and staying resilient and strong through it all. indicates they've gone through some external challenges in the past or are going through them rn but they're still keeping that hope between them that things will get better very very soon
  • 4 of wands: the art has 2 people celebrating together which is very on the nose lol it's about harmony and stability + can also point to maybe the 2 of you have been spending a lot of time together recently (lol). and it can also mean marriage ๐Ÿ˜ญ
  • the fool: literally the card of new beginnings and about trusting your instincts, it also reminds you to relax and have fun and just let go of stress atm...i'm getting hanbin vibes
  • strength: goes very well with the 9 of wands! as the name would suggest it's just about staying true to yourself and staying calm and compassionate during any hard times. i love this card for their r/s especially as it means that they have a very compassionate and caring relationship with e/o and they know they can always rely on e/o ๐Ÿฅบ

2 more clarifiers because i was curious and got:

  • page of wands: they have a big vision and many ideas and goals they want to achieve, this card has a very "the world is your oyster" vibe. it's very optimistic. in terms of a romantic r/s it means that they may be trying new things together and just learning together
  • 2 of wands: CRAZY...this card is literally about planning future goals and in love it definitely points towards marriage and seriously making plans for that ๐Ÿ˜ญ

it's interesting that the wands suit is so prevalent here as that's the suit for creativity/ideas, i think they're just in a very good place rn both career-wise and love-wise and are looking forward to the future.

q: haobin's relationship plans post-disbandment

  • king of cups: started tweaking as soon as i pulled this...very very emotionally fulfilling and caring relationship, very affectionate, like they're really very happy...the king of cups is the "apex" of the cups cards so it can def point to marriage, even if only a spiritual one rather than a legal one
  • king of pentacles: this is insane loool once again the king is the apex of the pentacles cards so points to a very stable and secure domestic + financial life, a very nurturing card, has a very "we've been married for 50 years" vibe
  • 4 of wands: already pulled this earlier lol once again it's about 2 people celebrating together and can indicate marriage
  • page of wands: also pulled this earlier, very "the world is your oyster" vibe, i think they're actually looking forward to how their r/s will be post-disbandment?
  • the moon: spirituality, intuition, dreams, in the context of the rest of the spread i think it's about them trusting their instincts. can also represent new opportunities

pulled 3 clarifiers because i was greedy sorry:

  • 9 of pentacles: yet again damn...they are really really aiming for financial security lol
  • 9 of cups: "wishes coming true" LOL both of them are very satisfied and happy with the relationship
  • 3 of wands: also pulled this earlier...a new forward shift in the relationship, likely marriage

also asked about coming out + it was (unsurprisingly) negative but i can post if people want lol

alice 1728250278724
haobinist 1728178917543 I have always been a firm believer that Haobin didnโ€™t have sex during BP or even pre-debut. With that being said, I can totally see Hao wanting to wait a little and Hanbin counting the days for it to happen lolโ€ฆ maybe itโ€™s bc for some reason Hanbin gives me the vibe that once he gets a taste he gets hooked borderline obsessed lol

๐Ÿคค๐Ÿคค๐Ÿคค don't say this to a crazy person

alice 1728249762980
haobinist 1728066360129

sometimes i get sad cuz i think hao and soobin would have made such a good couple if not for hanbin like i just know the fucking would've been insane

.........hell nah

alice 1728167015006
haobinist 1728178799359

well no actually!

like don't be saying that shit...

alice 1728249736461
haobinist 1728174744934 this tweet and the replies ๐Ÿ˜ญ

okay i'm genuinely curious why it's the here i am bridges that are causing an influx of new shippers lol because, like, if stuff like the babybin lore didn't convert you then why did this...but whatever i'm just glad that rps is becoming more accepted lmao

alice 1728249713848
haobinist 1728174713960

banger fic as usual Alice

thank youuuu <33

alice 1728249641978
haobinist 1727899604403 Hanbin just has that vibe honestly that man seems hungry as hell

ex-oomf's friend's tarot reading saying he was desperate to have sex with neul predebut but neul kept saying that they had to wait ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ ik he was going through it bruh

alice 1727899994020
haobinist 1728173330401


ik he was tweaking out when he finally got it...

alice 1728249636336
haobinist 1728158026709

These nb highs really be hitting

bn has had a chokehold on me for the last month i'm afraid...

alice 1728168916792
knightofcups 1728172111551

oh glad im not the only one, everyone has been on such a nb craze bc of bins hair and i totally get it, when i see them alone i feel the nb perc too, but every time they actually interact lately its like damn. my man hb is HUNGRY for that zhole

๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ bin has fr been starving lately godspeed to this brother

alice 1728249612078
haobinist 1728171085560 anon i am with you i unfortunately cannot bear to read those fics obviously theyโ€™re โ€” i'll still read them if the rest of the premise is good ngl but yeah im just a dick for dick enjoyer I guess, I do not consume these fics too, still even if it's fiction I want it to be as close to real haobin as possible ๐Ÿ™‡๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ

that's understandable!

alice 1728249590159
haobinist 1728170803261 most of these fics aren't exploring trans at all, like hey it's a pussy and that's it, and personally for me (diff anon) it's a huge turn off, mostly because it all feels like ppl are trying to imagine themselves on a boypss place, it's a no secret that such thing happens in fujoshi community, when some ppl tryna keep it yaoi but ALSO they kinda attracted to a yaoi boy in that way. especially after I learn everyday and see how many girls are attracted like deadass to hanbin while also kinda shipping him with hao, this are the exact audience i see on a random boypss fic sorry

yeah lol especially when it involves feminisation...i respect it but it ain't me

alice 1728249578873
haobinist 1728170232956 wait this is tea, how do we know karina is lowkey fujoshi ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€

i can just sense a fellow fujo i know she has it in her...wasn't she also tweaking out on that hong seok-cheon show or am i thinking of someone else lmao

alice 1728249497725
haobinist 1728066360129

sometimes i get sad cuz i think hao and soobin would have made such a good couple if not for hanbin like i just know the fucking would've been insane

.........hell nah

alice 1728167015006
haobinist 1728169994239

iโ€™m a soobin and hao bias but no thank u ๐Ÿšซ i donโ€™t see them romantically at all

that anon was NASTY

alice 1728249466974

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