

i love hating

come get lit with me :P

donald jr 1728423208777


What you were super nice, I would have been meaner! 😅 My last 3 are same, but trade Seungmin by nosechan. He is a butterface. And Hyunjin, he was also my fav but he is becoming a surgery addict, I think he did bucal fat removed recently, a whole tragedy 😭 felix isnt natural though, he has been going to the clinic too, but he ended up with a better result. Changbin being an idol is an insult to women, like short, ugly and fat, pick a struggle! Anyways sorry for yapping too much, keep up the good humor babe!

this whole paragraph is killing me 😭😭😭😭 i was debating switching nosechan and seungmin actually 😭 felix’s surgeon really put in work he looks the fuck good. by naturally gorgeous i meant like he was born pretty. and please come back and yap with me more often you’re funny as hell 😂 love yaaa

kara 1728433777080
donald jr 1728421919134

Are here Yuta defenders?? But like dude was mid before the jaw surgery, now after it? I would sue the fuck out of my doctor for real 😭 also rank Exo pls?

exactly sis 😭😭 okay it’s been a while since i even thought of exo so forgive me i might be operating on a dated image in my head but

  1. kai. face of the group for a reason. doll face and he’s aged sooooo well i had to give him his 10s
  2. sehun. gorg. also visual for a reason. i love his resting bitch face and his body is teaaa 😍
  3. chen. face has always been sharp and cunty. very nice teeth. not much else to say.
  4. kyungsoo. i’m surprised at myself for putting him this high honestly but he has this timeless visual. and he looks just a little bit mischievous which i like.
  5. chanyeol. forgive my bias…. the boyish charm doesn’t really work anymore when you’re 36 but a part of me still sees him for his fine 23 year old self and i fold SAWRY.
  6. suho. aged.
  7. xiumin. never found him attractive in the slightest. not horrible to look at though, just not cute. he looks like a child and a grown man at the same time it’s weird.
  8. baekhyun. plastic surgery demon. send him to rehab seriously.
kara 1728433319958
donald jr 1728419751996

rank enhypens visuals

  1. sunghoon DUHHHH even with the nose job he is gorgeous. i love his moles and eyebrows he seriously has the face of a prince.
  2. niki. sooooo handsome and he also has a face that would look good on a guy or a girl. also him being tall af like he’s taking it.
  3. jay. i love his face ugh his jawline is nuts also his nose is perfect he’s just so striking. especially when he has an undercut 😍😍😍 can u tell i’m a jay fan lol
  4. jungwon. the most cat faced of any idol ever besides haerin. i love his eyes sm. only thing is i feel like his head is not proportional to his body?? it might just be me but he looks shorter than he is.
  5. heeseung. he has had moments where he looks a damn mess but as of now i think he’s cute. he looks way better with his forehead covered and he’s not trying to be sexy.
  6. jake. it pains me to put him here bc i used to be obsessed with jake but he just lost all appeal to me. his smile is still very attractive ill give him that but something about his face changed recently and it just ruined everything.
kara 1728423022844
donald jr 1728417349519

I stumbled upon your page and your visuals ranking are super funny!! Pls do Stray Kids. I am so curious about your descriptions of certain members 😂

okay but don’t get mad if i get mean 😅

  1. felix. naturally gorgeous. i love his features especially his freckles and his lips. unfortunate that he’s short but so is the rest of the group so that’s not really a factor.
  2. lee know. standard male idol visual. imo there’s nothing special about his face but he’s very handsome.
  3. jeongin. puberty did him GOOD like i think he has a very sharp face shape that he had to grow into. he used to look so dorky but now his face and body are teaaa.
  4. hyunjin. sigh pre chin implant hyunjin would’ve washed everyone with ease but they nerfed him so bad 💔 i used to be a hyunjin fan in his prime so this is really serious to me
  5. bang chan. he has his good days and his has his bad days. i personally think he should have longer fluffy hair at all times. i wouldn’t go as far as to say he’s ugly but he is just not for everyone.
  6. seungmin. ugly cute. strange head shape, interesting features, also just weird in general 😭 i don’t think he is capable of being sexy but he is cute when he smiles
  7. fake jisung. just ugly as fuck. sorry. rodent faced and not in a good way. also i am personally irked that he would dare have the same name as my king.
  8. changbin. hideous and fat AND short. people say he looks better now that he gained wait and i strongly disagree. i remember everyone made fun of his chin before bit that was miles better than whatever is going on now. smh
kara 1728422434640
donald jr 1728418161590

Girlll I thought you had great taste but then you go and put Jisung on top of NCT above Jaehyun and saying he can even compete with gasp! Sungchan? He looks genuinely like a mole rat 😭 he has tiny eyes and MJ nose. I know he is your bias, but be serious! Is he even considered a visual in SK?

you can fucking relax sis i put jaehyun at 2nd i still think he’s handsome. just because jisung didn’t have to put a hunk of silicone in his nose doesn’t make it not perfect and yes he is considered a visual and always has been. the whole point of these rankings is MY PERSONAL TASTE so watch your dick sucking mouth.

kara 1728418797943
donald jr 1728362826939

rank wayv or zb1 on looks

did zb1 already so i’ll do wayv

  1. winwin. beautiful gorgeous 1 in a million face i can see why he has so many group mates obsessed with him.
  2. xiaojun. very strong striking features i loveeee his eyebrows especially
  3. kun. generally handsome but just a bit bland. reminds me of suho the way that there’s just really nothing that stands out in terms of visuals
  4. hendery. the way he’s actually good looking but he is so dedicated to being an insane freak all the time there is barely any evidence to prove he’s attractive.
  5. yangyang. just ehhh. not ugly but short and cringe
  6. ten. never did it for me. also not necessarily ugly just way too twinkish.
kara 1728364316409
donald jr 1728358598507

rank loona visuals

dont know them well enough also i feel a bit weird ranking women based on looks sorry im feeling woke today 😅 but send me more boy groups

kara 1728361211376
donald jr 1728358585043

rank zb1 visuals

  1. yujin. absolutely adorbs he seriously just gets cuter by the day.
  2. gunwook. a face unlike any other idol ive seen. i pray he never gets any crazy work done bc he is naturally handsome.
  3. ricky. when he doesn’t have 10 handfuls of makeup caked on his face yeah he’s taking it.
  4. gyuvin. kinda weird looking but also cute af at the same time. idk how he does it.
  5. hanbin. just regular degular handsome. nothing crazy. his transformation was nuts tho he used to be busted af.
  6. taerae. he could eat a big mac in 1 bite with that big ass mouth but otherwise he’s actually kinda cute.
  7. matthew. ugly cute. the best he ever looked was that one tiktok of him and hanbin dancing to 3d.. if he looked like that all the time he’d be an easy number 4.
  8. hao. plastic surgery addict. chrissy tiegen level pillow face. he needs help
  9. jiwoong. scary looking. bad veneers. crazy eyes. ugly inside and out
kara 1728361133662
donald jr 1728358571348

rank piwon visuals

  1. keeho. very handsome with sharp features. his teeth are literally perfect but no matter how hard he tries to escape the gay face will follow him.
  2. soul. very naturally good looking. i think his weirdness makes people forget that he’s cute af
  3. jiung. controversial take i know but he is seriously so adorable TO ME. i know he has a weak chin what the fuck ever but i really just love his face it’s so unique.
  4. theo. classic pretty fem boy. i think he’s considered the official visual but i was never gagging personally.
  5. intak. his face is not cute. him as a person is though and he def has a swag to him that ups his attractiveness but face alone yeaaaaa sorry….
  6. jeongseob. i really hate to say it bc he’s my nephew but he got the short end of the stick when it comes to looks. however he has the best fashion sense out of the whole group so he’s mogging in that respect
kara 1728360369593
donald jr 1728353203965

i’m glad you don’t find don’t find doyoung attractive because now it’s one less person in my way to become closer to him and soon sign an nda so i can be in a relationship with him. thank you for not standing in the way of our relationship 🩷

uhhh you’re welcome i guess… let me know how that goes babe

kara 1728356196298
donald jr 1728352889273


i don’t know how to include images in here so kindly look at reply on twitter ☺️

kara 1728355841955
donald jr 1728312259685

top 6 ugliest nct members

  1. yuta. an absolute freak of nature green goblin he looks like he snuck on earth and the fact that he thinks he’s hot makes it 10x worse
  2. haechan. fat greasy pig with an ugly personality too
  3. doyoung. looks like a reptile and again i find it disgusting when he tries to be sexy
  4. johnny. just scary looking. being tall and having abs is not saving him.
  5. jungwoo. he’s gotta be smoking crack or something bc his face is falling off the bone
  6. ten. this may be a surprising pick but i have never once found him cute or sexy or attractive. nothing specifically ugly about him i just never gagged.
kara 1728319676869
donald jr 1728277862022

rank txt visuals ngl

starting off with a disclaimer i dislike txt very much so this is gonna be harsh okay so boom

  1. beomgyu. strong case of gay face but he is cute af. easily the prettiest in this group
  2. huening kai. the most likable in txt imo. he has also aged very well like he’s the only member who has gotten more attractive over the years.
  3. soobin. HATE him seriously. find him weird nasty and unsettling but at least he’s tall and not the worst to look at.
  4. yeonjun. botched plastic surgery monster. i was actually a fan of him around like blue hour era but he looks scary as fuck how. unfortunate but i think it’s the hybe curse combined with his ego that made him so ugly.
  5. taehyun. absolutely heinous. he was ugly to begin with and is still ugly now. no amout of hours in the gym is saving you little boy.
kara 1728278589797
donald jr 1728276374780



ugh i had already forgot about that girl but u bringing it up just pissed me off again 😭😭😭 the fact that so many briize did not see a problem with that is seriously insane to me like. not to mention her saying afterwards she only posted it to piss ME OFF??? like yes it worked but you just openly admitted you are slutting yourself out for attention 😭😭 please save our women

kara 1728277466348
donald jr 1728275972540

rank riize visuals

i did this yesterday but i will go more in depth this time for u anon <3

  1. sungchan. duh. the fucking king the goat his face is perfect imo and he’s tall and slow and illiterate 😍😍 lethal combo
  2. wonbin. beautiful mix of masculine and masculine i don’t care if he’s 5’6 he is sexy as FUCK
  3. anton. he’s got that boyfriend type of visual ykwim. he had a moment where his hair plugs and those blue contacts were ruining his face but he looks way better now
  4. eunseok. his face is soooooo tea he gives like lioness vibes.. my only issue is he’s got severe crazy eyes.
  5. shotaro. now as much of a plastic surgery addict as he is the surgeon kinda did the damn thing. my thing with shotaro is he has absolutely ZERO sexiness. he’s cute or whatevs but not sexy
  6. sohee. sohee sohee sohee. there are days when i think he can possibly have the potential to be cute but he’s just…. sigh i can’t even like i don’t have anything good to say im sorry
kara 1728277248021
donald jr 1728275953324

do u like mark

i like mark one every 2 weeks. it doesn’t take much for me to hate someone but i really just can’t bring myself to hate mark. i will say i am majorly irked by him right now because he decided to grow his hair out. he needs to learn that having a black undercut is the cheat code to looking sexy.

kara 1728276693454
donald jr 1728274088376

I cannot figure out if the way you act is serious or if your just trolling all the time

a whole lot of both ☺️ also *you’re

kara 1728274402700
donald jr 1728262923823

okay so rank nct based on looks

  1. jisung. genuinely his face has been tea every day of his life and that shit is natural too. he is flawless in my opinion like possibly even more than sungchan.
  2. jaemin jaehyun jeno can all duke it out for second. the reason they aren’t all number 1 is because they all have little moments where they occasionally look a mess but it’s usually only a bad haircut or something.
  3. winwin. if he’s gonna do anything (which he doesn’t) it’s serve face.
  4. taeyong. i don’t like this man but i have to give it to him the face card eats. i wish he wasn’t so dedicated to looking like a barista with an asexual flag pin tho.
  5. chenle when he weighs above 50kg. recently he looks TOO skinny and it freaks me out but them cheekbones are not to be messed with.
  6. xiaojun. again i do not care for this man at all but he’s got a pretty ass mug. the only downside is he’s short …. and the rest do not deserve to be ranked YALL CAN KEEP THAT TRASH!
kara 1728264542614
donald jr 1728260725218

do you think jeno is handsome

i think he is stunningly gorgeous and IDGAF about what you simple minded hoes think (i’m sorry for my rant anon if you were just genuinely asking and not being shady) but i am SICK and TIRED of you bird brained bitches trying to say he’s ugly because why?? he has a strong jaw and brow bone??? sorry not every idol needs to fucking chop off parts of their face with a power drill to look the fuck good. sorry yall big eye small face korean beauty brainwashed retards can’t handle someone with unique and striking features. anyways yes i think jeno is easily one of the most handsome idols PERIOD.

kara 1728262469982
donald jr 1728234770542

ur hella funny dont let them dim ur lights queen

thank you mama ❤️ don’t worry i will stay sparkly and silly

kara 1728236053441
donald jr 1728229009579

https://neospring.org/+r/feaf916505 first allegations riize get are going to be because of ugly box shaped plastic surgery monster sohee

their next concept should be sohee wearing a paper bag over his head

kara 1728229809855
donald jr 1728212321027

Jaemin literally look like an ugly clown with 10000layers of filters on his fucking face

who cares if he wanna put on some crazy snow filter on you know he’s weird like that. the difference is jaemin is actually handsome naturally and i know you’re grasping for straws here trying to call him ugly :/

kara 1728226154924
donald jr 1728201050435

you don’t like to argue it’s just that you have nothing else to do lol that’s why people don’t even bother to ratio you, you’re not worth it

will you ratio me? 🥺 pretty please

kara 1728226027843
donald jr 1728193149372

Everyone got themselves some procedures here and there but somehow thats sohee best outcome lmfao like they need to stop gaslighting people thats all i ask i dont even hate the dude or his group

what he needs is head reduction surgery. and anon i’m gonna rant again under your ask but there is something about sohee that makes these yaoi freaks go crazy and I CANT STAND IT. if one of the tall members so much as gives the man a high five it’s “HE WANTS THE BUSSY” like please free us from this bullshit. even as an occasional shipper myself and as gay as sohee is i will never ever gag

kara 1728193938628
donald jr 1728192402678

People love to gaslight everyone into believing that master of selfie cat fishing sohee is a very uniquely handsome man. They just want to be different because you can tell one issue from him like the usual nasty sm guys (read:nct) and people will call him as what he is, an ugly boxheaded shorty. The craziest thing is that you can tell that guy really think hes a good looking person, look how much fangirls words can ruin your head smh

THANK YOU BRO he is irredeemably ugly the “unique” features are not saving him. and there is no excuse like you got wonbin in that group who is 5’6 on a good day but the face card is too tea no one would dare come for him. even shotaro’s plastic surgery addicted self (love him tho) is washing sohee’s ugly ooga booga caveman ass. anon i love u. also DISCLAIMER i do not actually hate sohee i think he has a very lovely voice i just think hoes need to stop acting like he’s sexy. the main vocal is never supposed to be the attractive one in the group. ✌️

kara 1728192931904

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