tempest heaven / crescent


writer of excessively long internet fiction. DID system. ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/digitaldreams

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Frequently Asked Questions

here's a list of frequently asked questions and the answers to those questions!

  1. What are DID and plurality?

DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) is a dissociative disorder characterized by having multiple identities living within a single body. It is accompanied by amnesia between alters (the different identities), and all the alters live together in a system. In order to be diagnosed, there are five criteria for DID: (A) distinct alters or identities, (B) amnesia between these alters, (C) distress caused by these symptoms, (D) not part of another cultural or spiritual practice, and (E) symptoms are not brought on by substances or drugs. DID is heavily associated with childhood trauma and is highly comorbid with (C)PTSD. We have DID, CPTSD, autism, ADHD, OCD, depression, and anxiety, though we most often answer questions about DID.

Explanation about general plurality: https://morethanone.info/#