anonymous 10/24/2024

do you associate akaryusei with any animals

This is the best question I've ever been asked. I'm sorry to say I'm a ginormous cat person, so my views are very skewed. Obviously, they have their canon animals (Keito, snake. Chiaki's been a deer, Shinobun a squirrel, Midori dog, Kanata ram), but these are my associations based on my heart and what I would like to cuddle most. I'll toss in Madara and Ibuki for good measure.

Keito Panther || Kuro Tiger || Souma Horse || Tetora White Tiger || Midori Lop Rabbit (100% needs floppy ears) || Shinobu Netherland Dwarf Rabbit || Chiaki Eastern Cottontail Rabbit || Kanata (+ Konata) Sea Otter || Madara Fluffy Calico Cat || Ibuki (+ Mizusaba) Snow Leopard

And thus the scripture was written and all was well.

rin 10/24/2024

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