

accessibility info acc ~ run by bridget (she/they, trans girl) please keep all asks on topic


girl with pink hair and pale skin in ryosangata clothing waving welcome to Bridget's info book about accessibility! here I will help educate and give tips on how to make your neospring (or rentry) more accessible to all users! I will also answer questions here about certain accessibility features and can also help others who may want help making their profile more accessible or seeing if their profile is accessible! now before I do that , you may ask what is an accessibility, well i can answer that right away! "Accessibility is the degree to which a product, device, program, service, resource, or environment is available to a given user." (as provided by the university of Virginia) or the way ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) describes it! "ensuring that those with disabilities have free and full access to the same programs, services, and areas as those without disabilities do, and without discrimination." that should be it ! please feel free to send asks about anything accessibility related, but please keep it on topic :)

hello everyone! i have made a rentry specifically for this account, click here ! its currently a work in progress at the moment, but it will be a directory of all of my tips! bye bye darlings!

lesson 5, typing quirks!

while typing quirks can be pretty fun, in some cases they can be hard to read for others, especially ones who may have to use a screen reader! what i personally recommend is to provide translations if you use a typing quirk especially if its "l1k3 th!$" (like this) ,, but if you "cant provide a translation" then i just would say don't use a typing quirk at all.. anyways, lesson over! tune in next time darlins'!

lesson 4 : making text easy to read welcome to the fourth lesson of this account! today i will be teaching how to make text easier to read for some profiles, they will have their profile be really bright and have bright text, or have dark profiles with dark text! this isnt good, and can cause confusion or for some people having trouble to read, just because you can read it doesnt mean others can! before you finish your neospring / rentry think to yourself , "can others read this?" maybe even ask a peer if they can! for bright profiles, make your text dark, for dark profiles make your text light thats all for now darlins! tune in next lesson

HI ! could you check my intro ? i put an E2R in the comments but I want to know if the symbols screw it up at all :)

lookin good! no issues from what i can tell :)

lesson 3 , flash and brightness warnings! if your profile contains flashing images (in example, your profile background is a flashing gif) or if your profile is really bright (in example your profile contains very bright coloring and is generally bright) put a warning on your profile! as for some people this can hurt their eyesight or trigger something! heres how to do it : you see this profile warning in your profile settings? thats where you put the warning no need to do something intense, just write "flashing images, please go with caution" or "bright profile, proceed with caution" thats all darlings! see you next lesson

hello everyone! i have made a rentry specifically for this account, click here ! its currently a work in progress at the moment, but it will be a directory of all of my tips! bye bye darlings!

second lesson of the day - alt text! so while neospring isnt able to do this, rentry can! you know how sometimes if you hover over a image on rentry and it shows some text? thats alt text! heres how to do it ! you see the little box in markdown that looks like text? [] <- thats where you insert text! so once you insert the text into the box, ,if you hover over it now it will show text! lesson over!

Bridget's first accessibility lesson - fonts! now I have a very negative view of fonts being used in both profiles and rentries .. heres why fonts are insanely inaccessible. screen readers cannot read them whatsoever, and in some cases they may even break the screen reader! but somehow even with that knowledge people will use them anyway because "well it makes my profile cute" , accessibility should always be over aesthetics. and that's final anyways , i recommend using bolded or italic text instead of fonts, as in markdown, all you have to do for italic is putting one asterisk (the thing that looks like a little star) on the first letter and the last letter ! like this or for bolded its two asterisks on the first and last letter ! like this!! bolded and italic text is easier to read then fonts, as it involves actual letters rather then in most cases, unicode symbols (as fonts are considered unicode symbols) , some screen readers may have trouble reading other languages too depending on how their writing system is (in example some screen readers may have trouble reading hiragana) but don't let that stray you away from using your own language! lesson over ~ tune in next time!

girl with pink hair and pale skin in ryosangata clothing waving welcome to Bridget's info book about accessibility! here I will help educate and give tips on how to make your neospring (or rentry) more accessible to all users! I will also answer questions here about certain accessibility features and can also help others who may want help making their profile more accessible or seeing if their profile is accessible! now before I do that , you may ask what is an accessibility, well i can answer that right away! "Accessibility is the degree to which a product, device, program, service, resource, or environment is available to a given user." (as provided by the university of Virginia) or the way ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) describes it! "ensuring that those with disabilities have free and full access to the same programs, services, and areas as those without disabilities do, and without discrimination." that should be it ! please feel free to send asks about anything accessibility related, but please keep it on topic :)

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