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no if you read it properly you will notice i said this: the marketing tactics tire me out but i'm also aware that her health and this has no link.
lusi is properly ill and should be resting. buying hot searches to keep herself in the public attention is also true (to me). these two statements can co-exist. when ma sichun was severely ill with depression, she disappeared from the entertainment circle for years and didn't let anyone know what was up, only when she returned did she candidly speak about her depression. not that she couldn't speak up, i think lusi is brave for doing so, but the subsequent actions have only caused my already not-good impression of her to fall further.
i wish lusi good health anyways.
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I don't understand this line of thinking, so she's using her mental illnesses to get attention & publicity stunt & marketing tactic, begging to gain sympathy from other people? I'm not even her fans at all and her fandom in my country pissed me off but people reaction to someone being abused & speaking up about their suffering from mental illness is bizzare to me. Is this the case of someone, especially women, must be a perfect victim to get sympathy from people? I'm just curious if this happens to other celebs would you also be this cynical too?