🍓𑜷℘ Nico !


an account all about self positivity and learning to be kind ❗   Read pinned〜♡


This profile does not allow anonymous questions.

hellooo everyone ❗ I am Nico or Jay ❗ I am the owner of this account and in this post , I will be talking about what I'll be doing in it 。 ♥

First things first❗ you can ask stuff about me, and not just music & what not 。 if you want to learn about me , you can send an ask , or check my bio once I'm done with decorating my neo — rentry ♥❗

second things second ❗ this account's mascot will be Nico yazawa from love live ❗ she is currently my favorite character actually ♥

third things third ❗ no haters in my inbox ❌💢 I won't tolerate any hate speech or something, that wouldn't make sense ❗ this is a positivity only area❗💢 now shoo ❗ ( ̄へ  ̄ 💢

fourth things fourth ❗ uhm 。。。 no creeps ❓ hah 。。。 I don't know what to do for dni lists、 if you're a freak don't talk to us ❗ okay ❓ oh and, please send asks only be about self positivity & ways to fix yourself and be kind to yourself & others ... and music, of course。 thank youu〜 ♥