favorite scenario(s) for your ship?

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duo 3 days ago

Ouhhhh gakutai..... Oh gakutai.... Ranmaru complaining abt being cold even with the heater on and trying to cuddle for warmth with Douman but since Ranmaru has higher body temperature it just makes both of them feel hotter so he has to turn into a small crow and he sleeps on top of Ashiya's chest I HATA THEM SO BAD OJYFOD I hate them and I miss them and I need a new chapter with them again -🎼

Eyez 3 days ago

So, they get kidnapped and one gets tortured in front of the other :)

danbert.... i have a ton of random fic ideas. vampire herbert needing to feed off dan for the first time and dan realizes something about himself. sharing a bed bc they live in massive huge tits in the winter in a 100 year old house. herbert post-bride being resigned to dan not gafing about him and dan losing his mind over his feelings until they get into a big blowout fight and dan has to kiss him on his hot mouth to get it through his thick skull. herbert coming out. dan sees herbert in his garters and shirt stays and realizes someth... im realizing i just love dan cain in turmoil. hey. who can blame me

Chiluc waltzing. Anywhere really, but particularly in a room with high ceilings and the moonlight bathes the room, and soft warm but small lights surrounding them... At first their first steps are awkward, maybe they step on the other's foot and curse slightly then chuckle. They move on, and as the song on the phonograph progresses, their waltz becomes smoother and full of love. By no means was it elegant, but the adoration they held in their eyes for each other was visible...

Sorry, I like Chiluc being amateur at waltzing. They waltz because they love waltzing with each other.

There's this one reoccurring scenario where I just imagine Shadesbit in, and that's piling up on a bed or a couch like they're cats. They could be watching something together, they could be gaming, maybe they sleep if no one's breathing/snoring was an issue, but what matters is that they're comfortable in this pile. Could be considered a nest too, cuz they drag a bunch of blankets and pillows together.

I haven't really thought of anything too complicated beyond that tbh, unless helping each other out when one or more of the s/os are on their lows and they need some encouragement or a hand with tasks, but that's expected in a relationship.

doccaff yap yet again!!!!
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ok this is for all my ships but them having fun together, while the other realizes that they're falling deeper in love while watching their s/o's tender smile. and they suddenly get all teary eyed after remembering how grateful they are for having that person in their life. and then the other just panics and goes "what happened, why are you crying?!?"

SAMSPENCER BRUNCHES. SAMSPENCER BRUNCHES. they get brunch every sunday together WITHOUT FAIL even with how busy they both get . sam is always doing rehersals and performances and they often r later at night so late romantic dates r just not a thing for them often . spencer is just a little bit of a night owl ( in my mind at least ) and stays up late working on his designs . so they started making sure that even on the weeks sam got too busy to come stay the night at spencers appartment or havw a date or even just text eachother more than good morning and good night that they would ALWAYS meet on sunday for brunch . literally everyone who has ever had to work with sam since they started dating KNOWS he will not work 10-12 on sundays and they can either work around it or get a worse actor because sam is THE BEST idc hes perfect .... sam also always brings flowers to these dates for spencer and they get coffee and sweets and UGH THEY MAKE ME SICK THEYRE SO CUTE.