Empress Blazy Mix


Ask me questions peons

Masked peon 1732740618280

If you could eat any kind of food everyday, what would it be?

Car batteries 🤤

Empress Blazy Mix 1732742687630
Masked peon 1732740657130

Are you a real empress

Yes don't ask for proof though

Empress Blazy Mix 1732742484858
Masked peon 1732741615918

Who is your favorite Transformer?

Uh Thundercracker

Empress Blazy Mix 1732742467929
Masked peon 1732741672379

Do you have any ideas for shows or games you would want to make a reality?

I have like 3 ideas for shows that exist entirely in my head cause I'm too scared to do anything with them

Empress Blazy Mix 1732742443291
Masked peon 1732634517319

what if mechs were REAL

I would be sighing up day one to become a pilot

Empress Blazy Mix 1732634764661
Masked peon 1732624005391

What is up?

The sky bozo

Empress Blazy Mix 1732634058425
Masked peon 1732633759613

Howdy do?

I got cowboy in my inbox

Empress Blazy Mix 1732634049884

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