A yeast raised one, cut in half and filled with strawberries/matcha and cream. Yums!
Chocolate donuts
the maple glazed ones from Dunkin AND mochi donuts with strawberry frosting 🙏🏻
I like the flower glaze donuts
strawberry, jam filled, glazed, cookies & cream (the ones with smashed oreos on them), and blueberry ones
STRAWBERRY !!! and maple and the white ones
Strawberry, chocolate, glazed
Man I miss having chocolate munchkin donuts from Dunkin' Donuts, but it doesn't exist in France. I'm down for any vanilla donuts, filled or with the basic icing. Chocolate is chill too, but vanilla is smooooooth.
edit: maybe there's one Dunkin' Donuts SOMEWHERE in a huge city like Paris or Lyon, but I'm in a rural area.
I look jelly/cream filled ones..... there so yummylicious
Coffee donuts -🎼
choco butternut munchkins
all types! if I really had to choose one, i'd pick powdered donuts
maple, all the way