retheming KILL ME 1733227754453

no longer a fudan......himedanshis forever...(this is a call for help im going through an identity crisis)

anonymous 1733229780780

im employed what does this mean

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prince has crossed the treacherous yaoi seas & finally reached yuri village

anonymous 1733239649173

yaoi gooner to yuri gooner

retheming KILL ME 1733230704920

Sorry bro dont actually listen to me idek what im saying just wait for someone else to answer

retheming KILL ME 1733230474114

Mb its early in the morning im on my hater shit basically instead of jorkin it to gay sex i jork it to lesbian sex now hope this helps

retheming KILL ME 1733230357013

Bitch you had to go on anon no way in hell your ass is employed

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