

bnb rps

bnb lovers share your thoughts... and your tea!

advice: look into the mirror first before coming into my sacred space! hope y'all can write thinkpieces about this too i really think it'd be more useful for society as a whole! hope this helps 🫶

moon 1728456339972

person with eyes 1728158486125 00:02 even hao was taken back by what ricky said... not ricky trying to steal his man 🙄🙄 /j


moon 1728158772397
person with eyes 1728157723759

nooo omg didnt hanbin say that day he fasted for 24 hours or something… hao loves him fr ☹️☹️☹️☹️

it makes me feel so warm the thought that no matter what happens they'll always look out for each other

moon 1728158403464
person with eyes 1728158477501

Yeah they flew out right after the fashion show and he mentioned he hadn’t eaten for over a day and he did practice and that dance live too which was crazy and the runway. So hao feeding him was so sweet

oh wow i'm going to cry they're so precious

moon 1728158697096
person with eyes 1728156732398

oh theyre definitely a shipper on their priv LOL. also i know its not that serious but its kinda annoying me that they have zh in their @ when they dont even bias hao 😒

on their priv of course 🙄🙄🙄

moon 1728156999308
person with eyes 1728158415248

I notice this too. Has a hao in their username but talks about everything else other than him. Hao's name is probably an aesthetics for them since a lot of zeroses use it.

well being an hao lover is NOT an aesthetic 🙄🙄🙄

moon 1728158673107
person with eyes 1728158271651 i say kiss on the jakarta stop so the indo akgaes kill themselves


moon 1728158600374
person with eyes 1728158032307

Can everyone send clips of haobin looking at eachother intensely example Hanbin during the recent here I am moments or Hao in that elle behind I wanna start my editing career

let's help this sister out

moon 1728158585445
person with eyes 1728157244167

those 3 seoul concerts changed her fr also i feel like zeroses dgaf about rps anymore like no one would even care if she put rps in her bio LMAO (most of her followers are haobinists anyway, the same goes for haobinsplanet)

right 😭 but especially haobinsplanet is still the target of so many akgaes she probably wants to lay low in that sense for a good reason

moon 1728157599441
person with eyes 1728157961187

oh yeah definitely, allin akgaes love keeping up with haobinsplanet for some reason and get mad at her when she doesn’t update about something hanbin does immediately, like my god she has a life outside of twitter too 😭 she’s not an update account anyway she does nawt have to tweet about every single thing haobin do lmao. and why are you a haobin hater checking a haobin account in the first place

their obsession is frankly disturbing that's all i can say

moon 1728158543439
person with eyes 1728157244167

those 3 seoul concerts changed her fr also i feel like zeroses dgaf about rps anymore like no one would even care if she put rps in her bio LMAO (most of her followers are haobinists anyway, the same goes for haobinsplanet)

right 😭 but especially haobinsplanet is still the target of so many akgaes she probably wants to lay low in that sense for a good reason

moon 1728157599441
person with eyes 1728157905237

Need to get on this queens priv

for real... do y'all think she's in here

moon 1728158508455
person with eyes 1728157796402

i’m new and this whole time i thought sunghaobin and haobinsplanet were shippers so i’m shocked they’re not (??) what’s the line between a duo acc and shipping

oh no they're def shippers they both started as such but they became super big accounts with such a wide reach (esp haobinsplanet) they started getting attacked left and right so they stopped being explicitly rps

moon 1728158488811
person with eyes 1728157367574

akgaes acting like there’s not a sasaeng pic of haobin eating together at the airport so it goes away faster

apparently nbhubbi said hao also fed pork and pizza to hanbin he made sure he ate a lot 💔💔💔

moon 1728157542925
person with eyes 1728157723759

nooo omg didnt hanbin say that day he fasted for 24 hours or something… hao loves him fr ☹️☹️☹️☹️

it makes me feel so warm the thought that no matter what happens they'll always look out for each other

moon 1728158403464
person with eyes 1728157665227

Girl even some hanbin solo/akgae has hao in their dn like noorzhour , haovermint etc..

so ironic isn't it

moon 1728158354691
person with eyes 1728157244554

I have seen the sex tape between Zhang Hao and Sung Hanbin and Sung Hanbin's stroke game is very weak. It is shameful that wakeone is forcing Hao to date a man like this. It is clear Hao isn't satisfied with him and is acting out his moans. I feel so bad

i am very sorry to do this but there are stalker images of Hao and Hanbin making out in the back of the wk1 building right beside the trash cans

moon 1728157450700
person with eyes 1728157611762

This is why he should date soobin he would never treat him like this


moon 1728158345046
person with eyes 1728156543354 Rps in main yeahhh 🥳


moon 1728156919521
person with eyes 1728157244167

those 3 seoul concerts changed her fr also i feel like zeroses dgaf about rps anymore like no one would even care if she put rps in her bio LMAO (most of her followers are haobinists anyway, the same goes for haobinsplanet)

right 😭 but especially haobinsplanet is still the target of so many akgaes she probably wants to lay low in that sense for a good reason

moon 1728157599441
person with eyes 1728156748009

They're saying they're forced and are coping that it wasn't Hao in the bathroom or eating with Hanbin at the airport even tho for the second one there's several eyewitnesses including nb_hubbi lol

They had sex in the bath only to please haobinists. Bathtub sex isn't even good but Hao said yes because he is kind and has anxiety. Hanbins stroke game was weak, Hao kept crying because he wished it was his princess instead. Disgusting zerocolas hear his cries and do not see the problem.

moon 1728157030505
person with eyes 1728157367574

akgaes acting like there’s not a sasaeng pic of haobin eating together at the airport so it goes away faster

apparently nbhubbi said hao also fed pork and pizza to hanbin he made sure he ate a lot 💔💔💔

moon 1728157542925
person with eyes 1728156748009

They're saying they're forced and are coping that it wasn't Hao in the bathroom or eating with Hanbin at the airport even tho for the second one there's several eyewitnesses including nb_hubbi lol

They had sex in the bath only to please haobinists. Bathtub sex isn't even good but Hao said yes because he is kind and has anxiety. Hanbins stroke game was weak, Hao kept crying because he wished it was his princess instead. Disgusting zerocolas hear his cries and do not see the problem.

moon 1728157030505
person with eyes 1728157244554

I have seen the sex tape between Zhang Hao and Sung Hanbin and Sung Hanbin's stroke game is very weak. It is shameful that wakeone is forcing Hao to date a man like this. It is clear Hao isn't satisfied with him and is acting out his moans. I feel so bad

i am very sorry to do this but there are stalker images of Hao and Hanbin making out in the back of the wk1 building right beside the trash cans

moon 1728157450700
person with eyes 1728156949225

Hao should have invited Billkin and PP

pretending i know who these people are (i'm not in the thai bl business at all sorry)

moon 1728157216541
person with eyes 1728157312577

theyre the actors from itsay

aw it would've been nice 🥹

moon 1728157353804
person with eyes 1728156969397 She talked about Hao feeding Hanbin at the airport and also something else like a fansign anecdote I think dk if anyone has the details or the recording

yes!!! and then they were talking about something gunwook said in relation to haobin... and they were laughing about it

moon 1728157333335
person with eyes 1728156079677

i wonder if any bl actors went to the concert

ouuuuuuu hadn't thought about that 👀

moon 1728156411202
person with eyes 1728157039508

Riize got so much noise when Win went to their con. WK1 should have invited someone popular in thai bl

mhhh with their record track of being homophobic as hell it would have never happened

moon 1728157249722
person with eyes 1728156079677

i wonder if any bl actors went to the concert

ouuuuuuu hadn't thought about that 👀

moon 1728156411202
person with eyes 1728156949225

Hao should have invited Billkin and PP

pretending i know who these people are (i'm not in the thai bl business at all sorry)

moon 1728157216541
person with eyes 1728156358662 Mmm, since the tour I see many non-shipper accs interacting with Haobin's content, I only have to say congratulations 👏 bcs many of these were a little hypocritical and I'm still angry 😁

yeah this user was salivating over woonghao's just a couple of weeks ago plus they've never had a good take so i can't take them seriously but generally i'm glad if people start enjoying them as a duo too 🫶

moon 1728156507736
person with eyes 1728156886911

I have been at one of the stops and the screams for haobin were insane, a lot of people think it's because there's a lot of haobin fans which is true but it's also because their the fav pairing of most other fans too. Person next to me was a Matthew fan and she told me she believed haobin were together too

anon i hope you enjoyed the concert!!!! not the mashu stan being an haobinist on the low too aaaaah please can you tell us more like how was your experience what did you think of the guys in real life i'm so curious 🤲

moon 1728157186471
person with eyes 1728155928116

It keeps saying 'content has been blocked by a content filter' 😭

yes i muted uncle's name sorry and thanks again omg NERVE DAMAGE???? will he have complications in the long run or what omfg

moon 1728156332169
person with eyes 1728156825474

oooooooh okay I'll start calling him uncle too then 😭

Nerve damage is pretty much irreversible but I don't think his is severe, again just speculations on my part but I just notice it on his left eye? I forget which eye in particular but when he smiles you'll notice one eye does not squint/ close at all because the muscles around the eyes are paralyzed to prevent wrinkles which is the main reason why people get botox in that area.

😭😭😭😭😭 guys i'm now feeling bad for uncle. like this is lowkey making me sad for him help

moon 1728157115607
person with eyes 1728155401295

i wonder how all the akgaes who were so convinced haobin werent actually close and secretly hated each other are feeling after seeing all their interactions on this tour 😭 ik theyre mad as fuck


moon 1728155468132
person with eyes 1728156748009

They're saying they're forced and are coping that it wasn't Hao in the bathroom or eating with Hanbin at the airport even tho for the second one there's several eyewitnesses including nb_hubbi lol

They had sex in the bath only to please haobinists. Bathtub sex isn't even good but Hao said yes because he is kind and has anxiety. Hanbins stroke game was weak, Hao kept crying because he wished it was his princess instead. Disgusting zerocolas hear his cries and do not see the problem.

moon 1728157030505
person with eyes 1728156358662 Mmm, since the tour I see many non-shipper accs interacting with Haobin's content, I only have to say congratulations 👏 bcs many of these were a little hypocritical and I'm still angry 😁

yeah this user was salivating over woonghao's just a couple of weeks ago plus they've never had a good take so i can't take them seriously but generally i'm glad if people start enjoying them as a duo too 🫶

moon 1728156507736
person with eyes 1728156732398

oh theyre definitely a shipper on their priv LOL. also i know its not that serious but its kinda annoying me that they have zh in their @ when they dont even bias hao 😒

on their priv of course 🙄🙄🙄

moon 1728156999308
person with eyes 1728155995658

i've seen ppl theorise that gyuvin had a nose job (or maybe some other work, could be forgetting) bc of a scar tho i haven't spotted it (also there's this one predebut pic of him on a soccer field and he looks way different like i just don't believe he's natural at all) and gunwook probably had his eyelids done judging by pics, maybe nose? idk? with yujin it's hard to tell bc it's probably down to puberty and i hope that's the case he's too damn youngggggggg but also when has the kpop industry ever been about morals, he's likely had something done it's just that i can't tell

literally the last sentence is me i genuinely cannot tell udhdjdj i

moon 1728156388614
person with eyes 1728156612279

I remember chenle from NCT dream saying sm wanted him to get surgery at 14 but he refused because it was too scary, I also had a friend who was a trainee for a shor while and at 17 she was in the older side for girls and all the 14/15 yo girls already had work done so it wouldn't surprise me

this is actually so depressing i don't even know what to say

moon 1728156944214
person with eyes 1728156543354 Rps in main yeahhh 🥳


moon 1728156919521
person with eyes 1728156358662 Mmm, since the tour I see many non-shipper accs interacting with Haobin's content, I only have to say congratulations 👏 bcs many of these were a little hypocritical and I'm still angry 😁

yeah this user was salivating over woonghao's just a couple of weeks ago plus they've never had a good take so i can't take them seriously but generally i'm glad if people start enjoying them as a duo too 🫶

moon 1728156507736

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