

bnb rps

bnb lovers share your thoughts... and your tea!

advice: look into the mirror first before coming into my sacred space! hope y'all can write thinkpieces about this too i really think it'd be more useful for society as a whole! hope this helps 🫶

moon 1728456339972

person with eyes 1728160278179

damn i wish i understood korean i wanna know what those korean bnb accounts are saying too


moon 1728160526713
person with eyes 1728160022330

Oh she's most definitely a mattrae enthusiast lol didn't fold to the mattparkz hype

no one gets mattparkz like req and i do i fear

moon 1728160053828
requeefiem 1728160243780

that hieffer ugh she she would ship gyubmatt before mattwook

i hate her ass for a reason 😒😒😒

moon 1728160516386
person with eyes 1728159762804 i wonder if she's a haobinist too LMAO i will say the way she posts about bbangiz makes me think she's basically rps for them without saying it

the way i thought she was a mattbinner on the low all this time instead

moon 1728159887278
person with eyes 1728160218718

Nah same i was so shocked when i saw that tweet lmaoo


moon 1728160498243
person with eyes 1728160137298

I need to see haobin make out once


moon 1728160486538
person with eyes 1728159905647

this tour made me realize how popular hao actually is like the screams for him are soooo everywhere my baby

he really is like i admire him soooo much so many have tried to destroy him but look at him now thriving 🥺

moon 1728160479906
person with eyes 1728159762804 i wonder if she's a haobinist too LMAO i will say the way she posts about bbangiz makes me think she's basically rps for them without saying it

the way i thought she was a mattbinner on the low all this time instead

moon 1728159887278
person with eyes 1728160022330

Oh she's most definitely a mattrae enthusiast lol didn't fold to the mattparkz hype

no one gets mattparkz like req and i do i fear

moon 1728160053828
Pink 1728159572881

Ill tell this story because it's funny but you can not post if you don't want to but at one point I dmed nbhubbi to ask her for an info at 4am kst and she just immediately spilled something pretty big 😭like after ONE dm And that's why now her dms are limited to twitter blue users I think lol she must have regretted it in the morning

the thing is that night she had just come back from a prerecording and was high as hell on the haobin pill JAHSHSHJSJSJSJ IT WAS HILARIOUS

moon 1728159699353
person with eyes 1728159989690

Alms...Alms...may we know that pretty big since it's 4am in my country now? 😂

can we say it? @piinkmatter

moon 1728160033125
person with eyes 1728159865188 "Taking a bath" THIS Is so- LET ME IN JUSEYOOOOO 😩

i've been feeling like the girl in the pic for the past year and a half

moon 1728160011454
person with eyes 1728159510756

did gunwook say something haobin related or to do them or is it just something unrelated to them that's supposed to be interesting in general? what's tea? 👀

from what i gathered it's something he said about haobin during a fansign? and it was posted by a japanese account? not sure if the latter is related but

moon 1728159622186
Pink 1728159824893

All we know is it's a funny story because the whole chat was laughing and it's probablyyy a fansign anecdote but I'm not sure, there was also something about Hao feeding Hanbin ice cream but I don't know if it was in the airport or what else and also something about forehead flicking? The whole chat was spamming 꿀밤강아지요 at one point #number1bnbspacesfan


moon 1728159939556
person with eyes 1728159167834

i feel like the company was kinda trying to push them when they had that mag cover and all but i think that they’re genuinely close, you can tell how comfortable yujin feels around hao and how much they both care and love each other, yujin is so young so i’m glad he has someone like hao in the group 🥹 sorry i love my luckyz

oh definitely i'll never deny that!!!! it's my own issue i've seen too many people being weird about them both online and on here yes there's anons like that unfortunately so i can't enjoy their duo as before i'm working on it

moon 1728159431819
person with eyes 1728159873112

That petty company making sure that they'll get back the top 2 moneymakers 😭 You know what I'm afraid of? When they redebut and Yujin is already an adult, YH might ship them since wk1 is banking with haobin. Hungry fujos might do the same 😭😭😭

don't say that i'll seriously get sick

moon 1728159907838
person with eyes 1728159762804 i wonder if she's a haobinist too LMAO i will say the way she posts about bbangiz makes me think she's basically rps for them without saying it

the way i thought she was a mattbinner on the low all this time instead

moon 1728159887278
person with eyes 1728159056924

is there a way to rewatch nbhubbi spaces or do they get deleted we need to start recording them honestly

she deletes them after cause she's always spilling 😭 i never have the time to record ughhhhh can someone do this for us please

moon 1728159287072
Pink 1728159572881

Ill tell this story because it's funny but you can not post if you don't want to but at one point I dmed nbhubbi to ask her for an info at 4am kst and she just immediately spilled something pretty big 😭like after ONE dm And that's why now her dms are limited to twitter blue users I think lol she must have regretted it in the morning

the thing is that night she had just come back from a prerecording and was high as hell on the haobin pill JAHSHSHJSJSJSJ IT WAS HILARIOUS

moon 1728159699353
person with eyes 1728158584150

Yeah I think she kept saying he was caring really hard for him and fed him a lot 😭😭😭

i want to know what gunwook said so bad though please does anyone know

moon 1728158902066
person with eyes 1728159510756

did gunwook say something haobin related or to do them or is it just something unrelated to them that's supposed to be interesting in general? what's tea? 👀

from what i gathered it's something he said about haobin during a fansign? and it was posted by a japanese account? not sure if the latter is related but

moon 1728159622186
person with eyes 1728158509317 HE SO HAPPY AND GLOWING IN BANGKOK 👀😍😋

please be happy forever my puppy... 🥹🥹🥹

moon 1728158834947
person with eyes 1728159270252

The way i thought he only has 10 fans in Thailand until the soundcheck and then Hao fancams from thain fans started flooding my tl. Like a loooooot! I realized, that country is a fujo. What should I expect? 😂 HAo must have been so surprised of the reception too. The screams are so loud. So happy for him

he's soooooo loved everywhere he goes i hope he knows that 🫶

moon 1728159499831
person with eyes 1728159265427

what’s your priv? let me in😫

i don't have one 😭 i mean i have an acc but it's basically inactive so

moon 1728159474644
person with eyes 1728158553767

how do you feel about the sudden surge of luckyz interaction? gen or company push? 🤔

both ☝️

moon 1728158870848
person with eyes 1728159167834

i feel like the company was kinda trying to push them when they had that mag cover and all but i think that they’re genuinely close, you can tell how comfortable yujin feels around hao and how much they both care and love each other, yujin is so young so i’m glad he has someone like hao in the group 🥹 sorry i love my luckyz

oh definitely i'll never deny that!!!! it's my own issue i've seen too many people being weird about them both online and on here yes there's anons like that unfortunately so i can't enjoy their duo as before i'm working on it

moon 1728159431819
person with eyes 1728159106201 This is such an underrated moment from today, so casual but I love it

their casual intimate touches are the best 🥺

moon 1728159341726
person with eyes 1728159056924

is there a way to rewatch nbhubbi spaces or do they get deleted we need to start recording them honestly

she deletes them after cause she's always spilling 😭 i never have the time to record ughhhhh can someone do this for us please

moon 1728159287072
person with eyes 1728158509317 HE SO HAPPY AND GLOWING IN BANGKOK 👀😍😋

please be happy forever my puppy... 🥹🥹🥹

moon 1728158834947
person with eyes 1728159044269

The first ever country he visited with his mom outside of China. The country he probably thinks that would accept him upon seeing how free it is. I wouldn't be surprised if he buys a house in thailand or do business so he could stay there

i mean he really should tbh

moon 1728159251421
person with eyes 1728156886911

I have been at one of the stops and the screams for haobin were insane, a lot of people think it's because there's a lot of haobin fans which is true but it's also because their the fav pairing of most other fans too. Person next to me was a Matthew fan and she told me she believed haobin were together too

anon i hope you enjoyed the concert!!!! not the mashu stan being an haobinist on the low too aaaaah please can you tell us more like how was your experience what did you think of the guys in real life i'm so curious 🤲

moon 1728157186471
person with eyes 1728157729365

I was at seoulcon day 2 I'm still not over it honestly especially always, take my hand and here I am live as a haobinist Hanbin in real life he's very handsome yes but he's also pure and cute like an angel maybe it's the hair ahaha he's much skinnier irl Hao has a very cool atmosphere, he's handsome and pretty but he also has a very strong aura, his features are very strong and he's very charismatic I always thought Matthew wasn't good looking but he's much cuter irl he's also quite charismatic I'm not gonna lie uncle was handsome irl but I didn't pay much attention to him Ricky is WOW probably the most beautiful idol I've ever seen face wise, black hair is perfect on him Gunwook was super handsome, cute and sexy I'm obviously haobin biased but he really wrecked me during the concert, just a lot of charisma Yujin was super beautiful but I didn't notice him a lot, he also has a crazy beautiful face tho Taerae was so so cute the day I went his make up was gorgeous his voice was very loud and clear

Most of the boys did very well live, shout out to Hao during always in particular, haobin during tmh moved like shadows ohh I also really really loved dear eclipse I keep listening to it since the concert, haobin are so sexy

Only bad point to me was that the stages were kinda empty they lacked props and I wasn't a fan of a lot of the outfits but since the makeup and hair was good it was fine by me

Sorry I'm rambling but it still hasn't fully settled in lol also another good point is that I made some kfans friends and one of them is kinda shady so hopefully I'll get some haobin tea, I haven't been brave enough to ask yet

aaaaaaa thank youso much anon i almost felt like i was there for a sec wow djdjdjj and i agree cameras don't really do them justice especially haobin are etheral in real life !!! the stage really is empty it's kinda weird but honestly they make up for it so whatever it seems like you had so much fun so i'm glad 🫶 omggggggg shady kfandjdjjdk i'm a dm expert so if you need any advice ask away 🤭

moon 1728159221870
person with eyes 1728158507480

Wait lol is nbhubbi a sasaeng? I know they go to a lot of zb1 events but how does she know so much

uhhhhh sasaeng adjacent?

moon 1728158788390
person with eyes 1728158937195

I know that nbhungry has been cancelled in the past for being friends with a ssng but idk if it's nbhungry, she doesn't follow them overseas or anything and she does have a job but she does seem pretty well connected and she follows them around a lot I just don't think she like waits in front of their dorms or anything

they definitely know full fledged sasaengs though

moon 1728159041729
person with eyes 1728158800679

If Hao did go to cheonan it makes Hanbin going back to his almost bp level of simpery so much more touching 🥹


moon 1728159008985
person with eyes 1728158752354

who do you think is the biggest haobinist in the group? for me its ricky and matthew

obviously it's themmmmmm

moon 1728158998218
person with eyes 1728158730826

Ok so we didn't get haobin live tonight but we'll get it tomorrow trust.

if it doesn't happen it's on you just so you know

moon 1728158971277
person with eyes 1728157723759

nooo omg didnt hanbin say that day he fasted for 24 hours or something… hao loves him fr ☹️☹️☹️☹️

it makes me feel so warm the thought that no matter what happens they'll always look out for each other

moon 1728158403464
person with eyes 1728158584150

Yeah I think she kept saying he was caring really hard for him and fed him a lot 😭😭😭

i want to know what gunwook said so bad though please does anyone know

moon 1728158902066

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