anonymous 1727555928610

Confession / kinda vent : I HATE having DID I wish I didn't have it, it affects my relationships with my friends SM like yesterday I had a trip with my college and when we got back to the college one of my friends was asking my other friends if they could give them head scratches and they all said no and after ten minutes they asked me but were really hesitant because they thought I'd get mad?? I never get mad and apparently all throughout the trip I kept snapping at them and told them to die when they tried to talk to me so they thought I hated them but that's so not true I love them and would let them touch me if they wanted but that specific alter really hates touch so to my friends it's like they're walking on eggshells BC they don't know if I'm going to scream at them, be fine or overly touchy due to all the alters in my system :cc it makes me feel really bad and I also get so frustrated that I missed out on the trip and time with my friends BC of this stupid disorder that I developed because people are mean. My mum always says to let go of the past but I can't because what they did left me with a disorder that will NEVER go away and ruins every relationship I have and affects my daily life. And I wouldn't have to go through this if people weren't so cruel and abusive. I could've been able to experience life normally but no. I'll never forgive them they took away my life and normality simply because I was different than them. - 🍒


If I had a penny for every person I knew that has DID I would have 2, wich isn't much but its funny how it happened twice. I'm probably not the best person to talk about this or relate, but honestly you shouldn't 100% hate it. Even if it sometimes doesn't help you with your relationships, they still are your friends right? Even if it messes you up you should never forget that they will still stick next to you, doesn't matter the occasion. Of course, it's also a way of learning more about yourself. I don't understand about DID as I'm not a professional, but really with this experience you should aways see everything as an opportunity to grow as a person. Like for example the alter, maybe this event was an opportunity for them to learn how to become less aggressive towards touchy people. Im sorry for what you've been through, and i think you're very strong over how tall you stand. Letting go of the past is honestly the worst frase I ever heard, the past says so much about people and helps you learn more and more about others and yourself. It shouldnt be seen as something to let go, it's supposed to be seen as a event that happened and you learned from it. Even if it's bad or good, it's something you should keep in your mind. Not cherish and 100% remember it, but reminds that even if it's bad it's what turned it into you. Why do you think people get so interested on books about people's past? P.s. ITS OK TO VENT TO ME DW

Tinder 1727563020522


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im guessing im one of the people with did HELP anyways i feel u anon

Neptune . 1727563053323

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