re: wait so why is ibuki joining akatsuki bad but you want him in mam
hi mika, that was me that made the ask that this person is referring to. in advance, im sorry if i upset anyone with this ask, i meant for it to be lighthearted. i never actually meant that i wanted them together in a unit, let alone mam, i can see why this caused confusion and im really sorry about that. a bit off topic nut also the reason why people didn't want ibuki in akatsuki was because it would assimilate ibuki to mainland japanese culture and rid him of his own if i remember correctly. there were some people who really didn't want the 4piece members to join already exsisting units but i think that having ibuki and madara in a unit like rainbows would be cool, or maybe even a shuffle unit. Again sorry for any confusion.
ahaha you're very kind sending it a very follow up!! i really found no harm in it personally, like you said you were just kidding around (and it's true, it would create quite the stir!) but i'll like to publish this ask so you can reach the person who reacted.
but yes that's true; akatsuki has a heavily japanese identity, while ibuki very much does not appear to identify with it. the ryukyuans fought quite a lot resisting japanese influence because they'd lose their alliances if they became "too influenced" and therefore would have no power to resist japanese colonization. unfortunately that's exactly what happened, and they were quickly suppressed and colonized, and erased to the point "okinawan" is considered japanese. (did you know karate isn't chinese and japanese, but chinese and ryukyuan?) anyhow, the primary concern is the lack of faith in enstars in handling those nuances correctly if anything like that happens.
but i super agree 100% with the it'd be fun entertaining temporary units...