anonymous 1735027022820

posting a picture of a minor publicly is so mature & anti harassment of you 😭 if towa is asian even tho he doesnt look it then whos to say achtji isnt nigerian? who are you to base race on someones skin tone? you do realize mixed people exist..? what about albino black people? are they not black? LMFAOOO you’re colorist & racist as fuck. you need to sit down dumbass white boy and so does your wannabe asian boyfriend

This is so fucking hilarious I actually started cry laughing holy shit. Achtji is white latino, he isn’t fucking Nigerian. 😭He posted that photo publicly so it isn’t rly shocking news lmao. Many people have confirmed that his mother is white. He is white latino, not black, not mixed black. And you have kept up the ‘my bf is a wannabe asian’ for almost a whole year now when multiple people have said he is MIXED Japanese. You’re so fucking braindead it actually cracks me the fuck up. I LIVE with the Japanese side of his family. Achtji/Mary contacted my cousin on Instagram to ‘see if he was asian’, contacted my FP to ‘prove he isn’t asian’ to make a doc on me and Towa despite the ONE photo they used was a photo of when Towa was a Minor too and made a Twitter account making fun of my boyfriend and his race to which Mary admitted to it being Achtji in my Retrospring after a week of it happening. Here is the Twitter acc Anyways you’re fucking weird and racist yourself if you’re gunna continuously make fun of an asian person and say they’re not Japanese. You’re jealous because Achtjis weird fetishising ass wants to be Japanese so bad. Fuck off w your bullshit ijbol

藀枝涌 1735027808220

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é›Ș 1735062807267

hat the fuck

Frey 1735028042740

Bringing ALBINISM into this is so ungodly disgusting holy shit you realize albinism is more than just being pale. Do you understand that albinism is a complete lack of melanin everywhere. Achtji doesn't have it. Why are you using black albino peoples' struggles with fitting into their own community to defend him 😭 I'm crying

Frey 1735027929449

Mary do you forget the fact that you faked your race several times to say racial slurs because you hate anyone that it's paper white. You're a literal white supremacist obsessing over a white latino boy that don't gaf about you. How many times has it been now that he's dropped you? Get a grip

PLS what is this. as a person of color that has been discriminated against for my features since i was a child, this person is WHITE!! there is no albinism here like youre claiming there is. their features are white, their skin is white. what IS racist and colorist is referring to someone who has been proven time and time again to be mixed japanese as a "wannabe japanese." being japanese is not a fucking honorary award you get?? its literally a nationality, and one belonging to a race that is constantly discriminated against and targeted on the day to day especially outside of asia. Beyond this, you claim "oh mixed people and albinos exist!" yet REFUSE to display that same sympathy towards towa in the slightest. i don't understand at ALL what it is with you white people and acting like being nonwhite makes you special especially when it comes to asian or indigenous cultures. PLEASE just accept that youre fucking white its not hard AT ALL. YOU ARE THE RACIST ONE FOR DEFENDING SOMEONE LARPING AS BLACK.

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