tobi 1734189076276


If you found out you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do today? or If you could choose a brand new name for yourself, what would it be?

If I were gonna die tomorrow Iā€™d apologize to my sister, weā€™re always mad at each other over the littlest things. And Iā€™d eat all my favorite foods and the ones Iā€™ve wanted to try for so long! But the thought the death would probably give me a lost of appetiteā€¦the thought of dying and being forgotten like you never existed is terrifying itself and just thinking about it makes me sick. I heard somewhere your only remembered for 3-4 generations meaning youā€™ll just be another tomb amongst the restā€¦this saying really stuck with me for some reason. But I have a BIG family so maybe I would be remembered longer for a bit idk why I wrote this much

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