anonymous 1732123469734

/+r/4b76fb6006 bottom namjoon like top jimin is rare in every ship and one reason I don't follow other writers is because it's boring to see same old dynamics in every pairingšŸ˜‚ It's better to just do our own thing

i just donā€™t care about those things at all. itā€™s not that i prefer rare dynamics, or that i like controversial things. thatā€™s not what makes it difficult. the problem is iā€™m writing for a community that cares deeply about these things when i donā€™t have any personal investment in it.

if i had to think about it and give an answer, iā€™d say the part of writing i enjoy is exploring complicated relationships. that means writing problematic characters and writing uncomfortable or taboo sex. dynamics are an afterthought to that. itā€™s a bit crazy that i can write a fic like prey and have hundreds of hours of work and character development reduced to ā€œjungkook bottomedā€. jungkook bottoming is the least interesting thing about that fic. donā€™t give it too much thought. nothing about it is arousing to write and iā€™m not sitting behind the scenes getting freaky with a glass of wine over my own writing. if i wanted porn iā€™d pull up videos of lesbians scissoring. if people wanted they could ctrl+f the fic and swap their names to make taehyung bottom first. it doesnā€™t matter to me. iā€™ve had kookv readers confess to me that they like my fics like itā€™s something shameful. itā€™s not. youā€™re allowed to like things. youā€™re never tied to one community and you donā€™t owe any dynamic your loyalty. itā€™s just two guys going at it

moon 1732124833902


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