anonymous 1728753151015 Hao's face 😭

k I know he's in the bg but am I the only one that thinks his face been looking weird lately kinda giving june days but not really it's different but I don't know what it is

NCNFNNFNFMMFMGMFMMCMFNFNFMFMFMFMMFMCMCMMFMFMFMFM this is obviously wayyyyyyyy too far to see anything but the picture makes him look like jigsaw

requeefiem 1728760423854

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lololove 1728792777434

Diff anon as a rosin I know he look bloated but that what it is,he himself had said he get bloated face easily even during bp so he used to tie his earπŸ‘‚ with tie or eye cube for face.

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