pickles 1724442172121

ekain tell me an interest of yours. and also tell me about more tf2 headcanons i like seeing you talk about tf2 its fun

One of my main interests is mythology and Art History. I love learning about them so so much and I'm planning to study Japanese art (ukiyo-e to be more specific). In fact, I'm in my third year of my Art History degree <3.

Another TF2 headcanon but Helmet Party: I think that everyone thinks Soldier is a mad man that loves the USA and they don't take him seriously, except Engineer. Since Soldier probably has some sorts of PTSD, I think Engi tries to be comforting to him. And that also goes the other way. Since Engi lacks of a hand, he gets phantom pains in his missing limbs and Solly tries to take his mind out of it, also asking advice to Medic. I love gay old men heh.


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