i have never been homophobic, transphobic, racist, antisemitic, claimed to have been programmed, manipulated, fakeclaimed, gaslit, lovebombed, abused anyone, shamed victims, spoke over victims, faked my race, used closed names, encouraged problematic media and incest or self harm, proship, attracted to minors, or anything else that was said about me. i have no idea why anon is doing this and changing out the name of someone genuinely horrible for mine on a callout not related to me but (cont.)

to whoever is doing this i'm sorry if i've upset you in the past. i don't know who you are and if you are still angry with me for some unrelated reason then we can talk it out. i apologize for taking this in a light-hearted manner but it's only because i know they're not true, but i understand that isn't good and can make others uncomfortable. these are serious allegations and they admittedly make me anxious and upset. i don't know exactly what you want from me anon but if you want me to leave the internet for some reason then i will go dark. genuinely. because i don't want to have anyone uneasy with my presence on here. it's really shameful to spread things like this in a joking manner like replacing peoples name with mine, i hope you don't do it in the future. please learn from this experience, as will i with dealing with these things. thank you


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